I'm trying to clone an existing play! project from bitbucket, this repo only contains the files which aren't ignored by the default play's .gitignore file. I get the files correctly but the problem is, how should I add the rest of the files and directories any play! application contains? I mean, how should I make it a play! applicacion as when you do a "play new" in the terminal?

I get the next directories form the repository with their files:

  • app/
  • public/
  • conf/
  • test/

I need to make this project a play! one (with its libraries and target/ project/ directories).

I tried to create the play application first, but git doens't allow me to clone a repository on my project directory because "the directory already exists".

I'm using intellij IDEA 12 with bitbucket plugin.

Thank you.


1 回答 1


我很确定,您正在查看 Play 1 应用程序。不是您标记的 Play2 应用程序。但是,如果我大错特错并且您的应用程序确实是 Play2,那么这里有一些关于项目结构的信息:

  • target:目标目录包含您编译的应用程序。当你play run在那个目录中使用时,就会出现目标目录。

  • project:此文件夹包含 Build.scala 文件和其他配置文件。

  • lib:如果项目不包含 lib 文件夹,则意味着它的所有依赖项都通过构建文件进行管理。


PS:您可能想查看有关Play 项目结构的官方文档。

于 2013-06-14T12:19:14.360 回答