rmeetup is one of the only gems available for API for Meetup but is a little outdated https://github.com/Jberlinsky/rmeetup

I tried to update some of the files on my computer but don't know how to compile them to be used and tested with my app.

Any advice?


1 回答 1


除了使用带有path指令的 bundler - 如果您签出 git 项目,您可以rake gemrmeetup文件夹中运行。这将在pkg文件夹中创建一个 gem 文件,然后您可以使用gem install. 现在您将拥有一个新的系统范围rmeetup,其中包括您所做的任何更改。

Rakefile在构建新 gem 之前,您可能还需要编辑以提升版本。

> rake gem
mkdir -p pkg
Gemspec generated
> ls pkg
rMeetup-1.0  rMeetup-1.0.gem
于 2013-06-14T02:22:44.803 回答