I'm trying to display binary information in a widget (ie. text, entry, label). The individual characters, in this case only '0' or '1' should be clickable so that they toggle between 0 and 1.

I'm not quite sure which widget to use and how to bind a mouse event to a individual character.

I hope someone can point me into the right direction, since I'm fairly new to the TK side of things.


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pack [text .t -takefocus 0]
set binstring "01011010"
set counter 0
foreach char [split $binstring ""] {
    set tag ch$counter
    .t insert end $char $tag
    .t tag bind $tag <Enter> ".t tag configure $tag -foreground red"
    .t tag bind $tag <Leave> ".t tag configure $tag -foreground black"
    .t tag bind $tag <1> [list clicked .t $tag $counter]
    incr counter
proc clicked {w tag counter} {
    global binstring
    # Update the display
    set idx [$w index $tag.first]
    set ch [expr {![$w get $idx]}]
    $w delete $idx
    $w insert $idx $ch $tag
    # Update the variable
    set binstring [string replace $binstring $counter $counter $ch]
    # Print the current state
    puts "binstring is now $binstring"
于 2013-06-14T08:14:12.247 回答