

<form method=post action="submit.php">

If the user goes to a different page or refreshes this page it and returns to this page within 2 hours the value that
was originally entered should populate in the respective textbox,radio groups which is not happening...

    <input type=text value="<?php echo $_SESSION['saveit'][0]; ?>" name="first" />

    <input type=radio value="A" name="acct" <?php echo ($_SESSION['saveit'][1] == A) ? "checked" : "" ?> /> A
    <input type=radio value="B" name="acct" <?php echo ($_SESSION['saveit'][1] == B) ? "checked" : "" ?> /> B

    <input type=radio value="A" name="birt" <?php echo ($_SESSION['saveit'][2] == A) ? "checked" : "" ?> /> A
    <input type=radio value="B" name="birt" <?php echo ($_SESSION['saveit'][2] == B) ? "checked" : "" ?> /> B

    <input type=submit value="submit" />
//echo to see what those values are
echo $_SESSION['saveit'][0];
echo "<BR>";
echo $_SESSION['saveit'][1];
echo "<BR>";
echo $_SESSION['saveit'][2];
echo "<BR>"

以下 PHP 页面:


//Get the value from form
$first = trim(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['first'])));
$acct = trim(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['acct'])));
$birt = trim(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['birt'])));

$f = isset($first) ? $first : null;
$a = isset($acct) ? $acct : null;
$b = isset($birt) ? $birt : null;

$savearray = array($f,$a,$b);

$_SESSION['saveit'] = $savearray;

//save the value in each individual session (Not using it as I need to save multiple values in ONE session)
//$_SESSION['textbox1'] = isset($first) ? $first : null;
//$_SESSION['radiogroup1'] = isset($acct) ? $acct : null;
//$_SESSION['radiogroup2'] = isset($birt) ? $birt : null;

//set the cookie for each session with the value for 2 hours TTL
//CORRECT syntax to save the ONE session with multiple variable into cookie to be used for upto 2 hours MAX.
//setcookie("textbox1", $first, time()+(3600*2));

//echo test to see what the values are
echo $_SESSION['saveit'][0];
echo "<BR>";
echo $_SESSION['saveit'][1];
echo "<BR>";
echo $_SESSION['saveit'][2];
echo "<BR>";

echo "<a href='http://www.interfaithmedical.com/checksite/testFolder/form.php'>GO TO THE FORM PAGE</a>";
  • 尝试使用setcookie()将每个变量存储在会话中只能使用 2 小时,我该如何实现?
  • 当我重新加载 FORM 页面时,不会使用 session 自动输入这些值。我该如何解决?

1 回答 1


您未能在第一页调用 session_start()。必须在所有使用会话变量的页面上调用它,并且应该在其他任何事情之前调用它。


于 2013-06-13T20:23:43.977 回答