好的,所以我有一个数据集,它从 excel 文件中提取特定单元格并填充 datagridview 列。但是,我要拉的单元格确实需要是标题,而不是 datagridview 中的普通列。那么有没有一种简单的方法可以将这列数据转换为标题文本?为了帮助阐述,我在下面提供了一些代码,包括注释。
' The following lines specify the exact cells I with to pull from the excel file and populates the first column of the datagridview
MyCommand1 = New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from [myWorksheet$A15:B21]", MyConnection)
'Here is my dataset'
ds1 = New System.Data.DataSet()
DataGridView1.DataSource = ds1.Tables(0).DefaultView
'So at this point I have a datagridview with a column of data from the exact cells
' from the excel file that I want
'This last part is code I found on MSDN which will hide the column headers and will turn the first column into headertext. Essentially it is adding an additional column to the left and turning that into headertext.
Private Sub DataGridView8_CellPainting(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs) Handles DataGridView8.CellPainting
Dim rowNumber As Integer = 1
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView8.Rows
If row.IsNewRow Then Continue For
row.HeaderCell.Value = "Row " & rowNumber
rowNumber = rowNumber + 1
DataGridView8.AutoResizeRowHeadersWidth( _
End Sub
'If anyone can find out a way for me to make the first column headertext it would make my day.