In an unsafe block, I'm trying to get a pointer to a byte array. But I get different results depending on the declared size of the array:

unsafe {

    byte[] bytes;

    bytes = new byte[1];
    fixed(void* pBytes = bytes)
        ((int)pBytes).Dump(); //prints e.g. 41797644

    bytes = new byte[0];
    fixed(void* pBytes = bytes)
        ((int)pBytes).Dump(); //prints 0 ?!

If I open the immediate window and type &bytes, I get the actual addresses of the byte arrays, including the case with the empty array.

Why doesn't the fixed unmanaged pointer work the same?


Here's the same code and what I get from the immediate window:

unsafe {
    byte[] bytes;
    bytes = new byte[1];
    fixed(void* pBytes = bytes)
                       // bytes => 
                       // {byte[1]}
                       //    [0]: 0
                       // &bytes
                       // 0x0601c34c               //the address of the variable
                       //    bytes: 0x027dc804     //the address of the array
                       // pBytes
                       // 0x027dc80c               // notice pBytes == (&bytes + 8)
                       //     *pBytes: 0

    bytes = new byte[0];
    fixed(void* pBytes = bytes)
                       // bytes => 
                       // {byte[0]}
                       // &bytes
                       // 0x0601c34c               //same address of the variable, ofc
                       //    bytes: 0x02aa7ad4     //different address of (new) array 
                       // pBytes
                       // 0x00000000               // BOINK
                       //     *pBytes: Cannot dereference 'pBytes'. 
                       //              The pointer is not valid.

The 8-byte difference between the address of the array object (&bytes) and the array pointer is explained by the object's header.

The array representation in memory is:

     type id  size     elem 0   elem1    ...
    ^ 4Bytes   4Bytes ^
    |                 `--< pBytes
    `--< &bytes

The unsafe pointer actually points to the start of, well, actual data (i.e. what would be marshalled to an unmanaged context)

Is there a way I could get, in code, the actual address of the empty array?

FWIW, I actually need that to be able to get to the array's header, to modify the array's runtime-type on the fly.


2 回答 2




约定是:当您修复一个包含 n 个元素且 n > 0 的数组时,您将获得一个指向缓冲区的指针,您可以从中读取和写入 n 个元素。

现在,当 n 为零时,null 是一个指向缓冲区的指针,您可以从中读取和写入零个元素,因此事实证明,在 n 为零的情况下实际上满足了该约定。不需要 C# 语言来执行此操作。规范说



你试图使用fixed标签外的东西来做一些非常危险和错误的事情。不要那样做。您应该fixed仅将数组用于一件事:获取指向可以读取和写入的 n 个元素的缓冲区的指针。


是的。使用 手动固定GCHandle




于 2013-06-13T16:03:38.870 回答


请参阅GCHandle 以获取 .net 对象的地址(指针)

GCHandle handle;
IntPtr ptr;
byte[] bytes;

bytes = new byte[1];
handle = GCHandle.Alloc(bytes, GCHandleType.Pinned);

ptr = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
ptr.ToInt32().Dump(); // Prints 239580124


unsafe {
    fixed(void* pBytes = bytes)
        ((int)pBytes).Dump(); //prints 239580124

bytes = new byte[0];
handle = GCHandle.Alloc(bytes, GCHandleType.Pinned);

ptr = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
ptr.ToInt32().Dump(); // Prints 239609660


unsafe {
    fixed(void* pBytes = bytes)
        ((int)pBytes).Dump(); //prints 0

请参阅Eric Lippert 的回答,了解它为何如此工作。

于 2013-06-13T15:55:11.950 回答