我们在 IIS6 机器上部署了一个 MVC 3 网站。一切运行良好,但性能糟糕透顶。谁能帮我理解
为什么我需要 20 秒的响应时间来获取脚本包?
为什么即使设置了 Expires 标头,IE 也不会缓存捆绑的脚本?
该网站在 Chrome 中速度快了好几倍(我注意到缓存行为是正确的),但我们不能强迫客户使用它。任何帮助都会很棒。我有点想知道它是否是一个服务器端设置,它强制捆绑重新编译每个请求,或者它是否只是 IE 像往常一样行事。
我们在 IIS6 机器上部署了一个 MVC 3 网站。一切运行良好,但性能糟糕透顶。谁能帮我理解
为什么我需要 20 秒的响应时间来获取脚本包?
为什么即使设置了 Expires 标头,IE 也不会缓存捆绑的脚本?
该网站在 Chrome 中速度快了好几倍(我注意到缓存行为是正确的),但我们不能强迫客户使用它。任何帮助都会很棒。我有点想知道它是否是一个服务器端设置,它强制捆绑重新编译每个请求,或者它是否只是 IE 像往常一样行事。
如果您在两个浏览器之间完全重新加载的下载时间不同,则可能是您正在使用 angularjs 之类的客户端框架进行密集计算(我已经看到两个浏览器之间高度复杂的 angularjs 应用程序的性能差异很大)。
or If-None-Match
and/or ETag
response headers (it doesn't even make the request again for the bundle).You should break this problem into two parts:
It is possible that the two are related, but approaching them separately will be a start. Number 1 is far easier to diagnose that 2, the top references to caching javascript in IE on the web are to prevent it in order to help with development.
EDIT 1 The first thing to do is try the site from a browser on the server, or very close to the server to see if you have a network issue. (end edit)
Tools like Fiddler, the browser developer tools, timeline and script profiler, and YSlow are your friend. Compare each of the following between Chrome and IE (and see what happens in Firefox as well) and spot the difference. Note: you may need to clear the browser cache between tests.
and Request
durations for every js file for a given browser, and between browsers (this may point to network issues)? I note that the Start
and Request
alone are taking 0.6s and 1s each in IE - that is very very poor performance.Download times should be no different between Chrome and IE with no scripts actually running so also add a control test. Assuming that your bundle files don't "do anything" (i.e. they contain functions that the page calls rather than kicking off long processes by themselves) then create a blank page in your site which references exactly the same javascript files - not just the bundle, but every single js reference.
通过控制测试,您可以将 IE 中的纯下载时间和缓存行为与 Chrome 进行比较,而无需运行任何客户端 javascript(使用开发人员工具分析器来验证没有脚本正在运行)。如果您的捆绑文件确实启动了长时间运行的东西,只需通过将 return 语句放在脚本顶部来暂时禁用这些东西,并只专注于下载到浏览器中。