I need to count the number of results for pagination.

Demo Query

select A.order_id, 
          E.assign_date IS NOT NULL AND E.assign_date != '0000-00-00',  
          DATE_FORMAT(E.assign_date , '%d-%b-%y'),
          (select data from other tables with other conditions)
       ) AS assign_date, 
       and assign_date > 2013-08-01

Count Query which I am using

Select count(A.order_id) from order A, size B, production E ........... where ....... and assign_date > 2013-08-01

I need to add that if condition so I can count the results properly

Longer Version

I have checked the questions posted on SO, and couldnt find the answer. I am working on a page where I am showing pagination.

For pagination I have used the count, which is working. Count query is not having this condition.

For actual query I wish I could post my whole query over here but it is over 200+ lines if sorted well.

For pagination I am using the following query.

$strQuery = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(A.order_id)) AS totalRecs FROM $tbls WHERE $whereClause $WhereExt";

The $tbls and $whereClause are very long.

In orders table I m having assing_on date field, which shows that an order is assigned to some one for production. I have created the result list page from the data, and in PHP added check that if assign_on date is empty/null. If it is I am running another query to get estimated start date of production.

The estimated start date of production gets a date on number of calculations and parameters

  1. Orders.estimated delivery date (this is set when posting the order)
  2. mustReadyDate = estimated date - shipment buffer (another table) - vendor holidays (another 3 tables) - vendor weekends (another 2 tables)
  3. totalDaysRequired for production = total length of order / Standard weave rate per day (another table)
  4. muststartdate = mustReadyDate - totalDaysRequired;

Above four points are all in query, no PHP work involve

Data fetch query is having this condition and count query is not having this condition at the moment.

    E.assign_date IS NOT NULL AND E.assign_date != '$mysqlEmptyDate',  
    DATE_FORMAT(E.assign_date , '" . reporting_DateFormat . "'),
) AS assign_date, 

I need to add one more condition in where clause of count query to check if aasign_date > one week from today I just want to know how I can add such a long query in count part so I only execute on query.

** EDIT **

If any one is interested in viewing the full query http://pastebin.com/zqzbpEei but please I am providing you this only to give you the insight...


1 回答 1



$Query="select * from table_name_here where colunm_name='content_which_you_find'";


$Query="select * from android where type='Casual'";


喜欢$Query="select * from android";






将 9 以上更改为您希望在一页中显示多少记录


$SqlQuery="select * from android where type='Casual' order by id desc LIMIT $d, $onepage";
$ResultSql=mysql_query($SqlQuery) or die("error1?");


while($row = mysql_fetch_array($ResultSql))
echo $row[1];
echo $row[2];


echo "<a href='currnt_page_name_here.php?page=$i'> $i </a>";


于 2013-06-13T11:15:41.500 回答