
考虑一个数字 2345。如果将其数字相乘,则得到数字 120。现在,如果再次将 120 的数字相乘,则将得到数字 0,这是一个数字。如果我添加 2345 的数字,那么我将得到 14。如果我添加 14 的数字,那么我将得到 5,这是一个数字。

因此,任何数字都可以在一定数量的步骤中转换为两个一位数。您可以看到 2345 通过使用 2 步中的数字相乘转换为 0,并通过使用 2 步中的数字加法将其转换为 5。现在考虑任何数字 N。假设它可以通过在 n1 步中将数字乘以一位数字 d1 并通过在 n2 步中将数字与一位数字数字 d2 相加来转换。

您的任务是找到大于 N 且小于 1000000000 的最小数字,可以通过在小于或等于 n1 步内将其数字乘以 d1 并在小于或等于 n2 步内将其数字与 d2 相加来转换。

如何在 C# 中解决它...


4 回答 4


There are two memory problems I can see; the first is the generation of lots of strings - you might want to approach that something like:

static int SumDigits(int value)
    int total = 0;
    while (value > 0)
        total += value % 10;
        value /= 10;
    return total;

(which is completely untested)

The second problem is the huge list; you don't need to store (in lstString) every value just to find a minimum. Just keep track of the best you've done so far. Or if you need the data for every value, then: don't store them as a string. Indeed, the i can be implied anyway (from the position in the list/array), so all you would really need would be an int[] of the cnt values for every value. And int[1000000000] is 4GB just by itself, so would require the large-array support in recent .NET versions (<gcAllowVeryLargeObjects>). But much better would be: just don't store it.

于 2013-06-13T08:58:38.230 回答

但它在抛出 System.OutOfMemoryException

这仅仅意味着你的内存不足。您的限制是1,000,000,000或大约 1G。对于对于 32 位系统来说已经太大的字符串引用,乘以 4 个字节。即使没有实际的字符串。


因此,降低您的限制或在 64 位 PC 上编译和运行。

于 2013-06-13T09:00:05.747 回答


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
static class Program
    static void Main()
        // check our math first!

        // You can see 2345 is converted to 0 by using multiplication of digits in 2 steps
        int value, steps;
        value = MultiplyToOneDigit(2345, out steps);
        Debug.Assert(value == 0);
        Debug.Assert(steps == 2);

        // and it is converted to 5 by using addition of digits in 2 steps
        value = SumToOneDigit(2345, out steps);
        Debug.Assert(value == 5);
        Debug.Assert(steps == 2);

        // this bit is any random number
        var rand = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            int N = rand.Next(0, MAX);
            int result = Execute(N);
            Console.WriteLine("For N={0}, our answer is {1}", N, result);
    const int MAX = 1000000000;
    //Now consider any number N.
    static int Execute(int N)
        // Let us say that it can be converted by multiplying digits to a one digit number d1 in n1
        // steps and by adding digits to one digit number d2 in n2 steps.
        int n1, n2;
        int d1 = MultiplyToOneDigit(N, out n1),
            d2 = SumToOneDigit(N, out n2);

        // Your task is to find smallest number greater than N and less than 1000000000 
        for (int i = N + 1; i < MAX; i++)
            int value, steps;

            // which can be converted by multiplying its digits to d1 in less than or equal to n1 steps
            value = MultiplyToOneDigit(i, out steps);
            if (value != d1 || steps > n1) continue; // no good

            // and by adding its digits to d2 in less than or equal to n2 steps.
            value = SumToOneDigit(i, out steps);
            if(value != d2 || steps > n2) continue; // no good

            return i;
        return -1; // no answer
    static int MultiplyToOneDigit(int value, out int steps)
        steps = 0;
        while (value > 10)
            value = MultiplyDigits(value);
        return value;
    static int SumToOneDigit(int value, out int steps)
        steps = 0;
        while (value > 10)
            value = SumDigits(value);
        return value;
    static int MultiplyDigits(int value)
        int acc = 1;
        while (value > 0)
            acc *= value % 10;
            value /= 10;
        return acc;
    static int SumDigits(int value)
        int total = 0;
        while (value > 0)
            total += value % 10;
            value /= 10;
        return total;
于 2013-06-13T09:28:25.720 回答



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace _17082903_smallest_greatest_number
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int N = 2344;
            int n1 = 0;
            int n2 = 0;

            int d1 = SumDigits(N, ref n1);
            int d2 = ProductDigits(N, ref n2);

            bool sumFound = false, productFound = false;

            for (int i = N + 1; i < 1000000000; i++)
                if (!sumFound)
                    int stepsForSum = 0;
                    var res = SumDigits(i, ref stepsForSum);

                    if (res == d1 && stepsForSum <= n1)
                        Console.WriteLine("the smallest number for sum is: " + i);
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sum result is {0} in {1} steps only", res, stepsForSum));
                        sumFound = true;
                    stepsForSum = 0;

                if (!productFound)
                    int stepsForProduct = 0;
                    var res2 = ProductDigits(i, ref stepsForProduct);

                    if (res2 == d2 && stepsForProduct <= n2)
                        Console.WriteLine("the smallest number for product is: " + i);
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("product result is {0} in {1} steps only", res2, stepsForProduct));
                        productFound = true;
                    stepsForProduct = 0;

                if (productFound && sumFound)


        static int SumDigits(int value, ref int numOfSteps)
            int total = 0;
            while (value > 0)
                total += value % 10;
                value /= 10;


            if (total < 10)
                return total;
                return SumDigits(total, ref numOfSteps);

        static int ProductDigits(int value, ref int numOfSteps)
            int total = 1;
            while (value > 0)
                total *= value % 10;
                value /= 10;
            if (total < 10)
                return total;
                return ProductDigits(total, ref numOfSteps);
于 2013-06-13T09:30:58.650 回答