我编写了一个程序来查找数组中的最大数。问题是每次find_largest递归调用函数时,largest变量似乎都被内存中其他地方的垃圾填充了。我已经用调试器逐步完成了它,在递归调用之前它似乎工作正常。数组的指针和对 的更新largest(如果适用)显示预期值。

/*This program will find the largest integer in an array. It was written to practice
using recursion.*/

#include <stdio.h>
void find_largest(int *a, int n);
int main() {
    int a[] = {10, 27, 101, -8, 16, 93}; 
    int n = 6, i = 0;
    printf("Current array: ");
    while(i < n) {//print array
        printf("%d ", a[i]);
    find_largest(a, n);
    return 0;
}//end main

//This function will start at the last element, and then step through the array 
//in reverse order using pointers. 
void find_largest(int *a, int n) {  //formulate the size-n problem.
    int largest = 0;
    if(n == 0) {    //find the stopping condition and the corresponding return
        printf("\nThe largest number is: %d \n", largest);
    else { //formulate the size-m problem.
        n--; //decrement so that the proper number is added to pointer reference
        if(largest <= *(a + n)) //check if element is larger
            largest = *(a + n); //if larger, assign to largest
        find_largest(a, n); //recursive call



4 回答 4



int largest = 0;
if (n == 0) { 
    printf("\nThe largest number is: %d \n", largest);


您可以制作largest static并且它会起作用,尽管这样做有点奇怪。我宁愿做这样的事情:

int find_largest(int *a, int n)
    int subproblem;

    // base case - single element array, just return that element
    if (n == 1)
        return *a;

    // recursion - find the largest number in the rest of the array (increase 
    // array pointer by one, decrease length by one)
    subproblem = find_largest(a + 1, n - 1);

    // if the current element is greater than the result of the subproblem,
    // the current element is the largest we've found so far - return it.
    if (*a > subproblem)
        return *a;

    // otherwise, return the result of the subproblem
        return subproblem;
于 2013-06-13T04:42:02.560 回答


int find_largest(int *a, int n) {  //formulate the size-n problem.
    static int largest = 0;
    if(!n) {    //find the stopping condition and the corresponding return
        int answer = largest;
        largest = 0;
        return answer;
    else { //formulate the size-m problem.
        n--; //decrement so that the proper number is added to pointer reference
        if(largest <= *(a + n)) //check if element is larger
             largest = *(a + n); //if larger, assign to largest
        find_largest(a, n); //recursive call



于 2013-06-13T04:46:31.787 回答

每次调用 find_largest() 时,都会创建一个局部变量 int maximum 并将其赋值为零。因此,当 n 最终达到零时,它并不真正关心过去 5 次递归调用做了什么,它只是返回您刚刚设置为最大的零。要么使最大的全局变量,要么将其作为参数传递给函数(可能是更好的做法)。

于 2013-06-13T04:44:26.773 回答

使int最大= 0;进入静态int最大= 0;它可能会有所帮助。通过添加静态变量最大将在整个递归过程中仅初始化一次。

于 2017-08-30T10:05:11.633 回答