我不明白这个链接错误。我有 2 节课:

#include "Vector3.h"
#include "Quaternion.h"

template<typename T>
class Point3 final
   constexpr Point3(const Vector3<T>& vec)
   : x(vec.x), y(vec.y), z(vec.z)

   constexpr operator const Vector3<T>() const
      // It is the equivalent of Vector3 = Point3 - Origin
      return Vector3<T>(x, y, z);

  constexpr operator Vector3<T>() const
     // It is the equivalent of Vector3 = Point3 - Origin
     return Vector3<T>(x, y, z);

  T x = T(0);
  T y = T(0);
  T z = T(0);

  friend Vector3<T>;
  friend Quaternion<T>;

  friend Vector3<T> operator*( const Quaternion<T>& lhs, const Vector3<T>& rhs);
  friend Vector3<T> operator*( Vector3<T> lhs, const Vector3<T>& rhs);

typedef Point3<Float32> Point3f;

template<typename T>
class Vector3 final

  constexpr Vector3()

  constexpr Vector3(T _x, T _y, T _z)
  : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z)

  T x = T(0);
  T y = T(0);
  T z = T(0);


typedef Vector3<Float32> Vector3f;


 template<typename T>
 Vector3<T> operator*( const Quaternion<T>& lhs, const Vector3<T>& rhs)
    // nVidia SDK implementation
    Vector3<T> qvec(lhs.x, lhs.y, lhs.z);
    Vector3<T> uv = cross(qvec, rhs) * T(2.0) * lhs.w;    //uv = qvec ^ v;
    Vector3<T> uuv = cross(qvec, uv) * T(2.0);    //uuv = qvec ^ uv;
    return rhs + uv + uuv;


Math::Point3<Float32> pt = -Math::Point3<Float32>::UNIT_Z;
Math::Vector3<Float32> vec = orientation_*pt; // link error here (orientation is a Quaternion<Float32>)
//Math::Vector3<Float32> vec = orientation_*Math::Vector3<Float32>(pt); // this solve the link error.


Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  Math::operator*(Math::Quaternion<float> const&, Math::Vector3<float> const&), referenced from:
  GfxObject::Procedural::BoxGenerator::addToTriangleBuffer(GfxObject::Procedural::TriangleBuffer&) const in ProceduralBoxGenerator.o


我发现了 2 个与此非常接近的问题,但问题在于差异。

在: 问题1问题2

但就我而言,我需要在 2 个模板类之间转换,而不是在同一个类但 2 个实例之间进行转换。我希望这个能帮上忙!


3 回答 3



friend Vector3<T> operator* <> (const Quaternion<T>& lhs, const Vector3<T>& rhs);

这个常见错误在此处的 C++ FAQ 中进行了讨论。

于 2013-06-13T15:13:20.973 回答

实际上,要使其工作,我必须为 Point 类中的朋友声明函数提供一个主体。我想做 Scott Meyers 的 Effective C++(第 3 版)第 46 条。就像在这个问题中一样,链接

关键是里面的函数必须有一个body。所以 Point3 类现在变成了(我已经像 MvG 那样删除了一些无用的代码,谢谢。

template<typename T> class Point3 {
  operator Vector3<T>() const { return Vector3<T>(); }
  friend Vector3<T> operator*( const Quaternion<T>& lhs, const Vector3<T>& rhs)
    return lhs*rhs;

这使得一切都编译和链接。lhs rhs 将调用Quaternion.h 中定义的运算符(包含在 Point3 的头文件中)。

我不明白为什么我没有重复的符号。对我来说,Point3 类中的朋友 operator* 和 Quaternion.h 头文件中定义的 operator* 是相同的签名,但它可以编译和链接。

于 2013-06-13T22:59:45.920 回答


template<typename T> class Quaternion { };
template<typename T> class Vector3 { };
template<typename T> class Point3 {
  operator Vector3<T>() const { return Vector3<T>(); }
  friend Vector3<T> operator*( const Quaternion<T>& lhs, const Vector3<T>& rhs);
template<typename T>
Vector3<T> operator*(const Quaternion<T>& lhs, const Vector3<T>& rhs) { }
int main() {
  Quaternion<float> orientation_;
  Point3<float> pt;
  Vector3<float> vec = orientation_*pt;
  return 0;

用 gcc 4.7 编译它,我得到以下信息:

x.cc:6:79: warning: friend declaration ‘Vector3<T> operator*(const Quaternion<T>&,
                    const Vector3<T>&)’ declares a non-template function
x.cc:6:79: note: (if this is not what you intended, make sure the function template
                 has already been declared and add <> after the function name here) 
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "operator*(Quaternion<float> const&, Vector3<float> const&)", referenced from:
      _main in ccKgI7Ru.o


template<typename T>
Vector3<T> operator*(const Quaternion<T>& lhs, const Vector3<T>& rhs) { }

template<typename T> class Point3 {
  operator Vector3<T>() const { return Vector3<T>(); }
  friend Vector3<T> operator*<>(const Quaternion<T>& lhs, const Vector3<T>& rhs);


error: no match for ‘operator*’ in ‘orientation_ * pt’
note: candidate is:
note: template<class T> Vector3<T> operator*(const Quaternion<T>&, const Vector3<T>&)
note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
note:   ‘Point3<float>’ is not derived from ‘const Vector3<T>’


template<typename T> class Point3 {
  operator Vector3<T>() const { return Vector3<T>(); }
  friend Vector3<T> operator*(const Quaternion<T>& lhs, const Point3& rhs) {
    return lhs * Vector3<T>(rhs);


于 2013-06-13T15:20:38.140 回答