i have a simple cocoa coredata statusbar application with Xcode 4.6.2. This is the situation:

Renamed MainMenu.xib to PreferencesWindow.xib, deleted the mainmenu, created a simple and working coredata function with arraycontrollers and bindings in the window. I have created a new file->User Interface->Main Menu and named it StatusBarMenu.xib. Added a simple menu to it and removed the main menu. Created new file->objective-c class->subclass of NSObject and named it StatusBarController. Here's the code for the interface:

@property IBOutlet NSMenu *statusMenu;
@property NSStatusItem *statusItem;
@property [some items for statusbar image]


@synthesize [everything]
    statusItem = [[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar]statusItemWithLength:NSVariableStatusItemLength];
    [some string, path and stuff for the images]
    statusItem.menu = statusMenu;
    statusItem.toolTip = @"";
    statusItem.highlightMode = YES;

Then I've created another new file->objective-c class->subclass of NSWindowController, named it PreferencesWindowController and leave it as it is. Then a new file->objective-c class->subclass of NSObjects named PreferencesAppController. Here's the code for .h:

@property (assign) IBOutlet NSWindow *mainWindow;
@property (retain) PreferencesWindowController *prefController;

.m code:

@synthesize [everything];
        self.prefController = [[PreferencesWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:@"PreferencesWindow"];

    [self.prefController showWindow:sender];

In the AppDelegate files there's only code for coredata, nothing added. Then in the PreferencesWindow.xib I've added NSObject (the blue cube) for PreferencesAppController with some bindings: Outlets-> mainWindow binded to the window with the simple coredata function. AppDelegate has the window outlet binded to the same window, then Referencing Outlets->File's Owner delegate, some saveaction and managedobjectcontext. In the StatusBarMenu.xib i've created a StatusBarController object and binded it to the menu (outlets->statusMenu), created another blue object called PreferencesAppController with Received Actions->showPreferences binded to a menu item.

Then i run the program and everything goes fine: an icon appears in the status bar, the dropdown menu works, if i click on "preferences..." the preferences window appears but... it isn't focused! It's on top of the other windows but i have to click to make it focused. The coredata saving functions works fine except that i have to manually save with a button, quitting the application from the statusbar menu does not save, but this is a marginal issue.

Why isn't the window focused?


1 回答 1


我从您将您的应用程序描述为“状态栏应用程序”的描述中假设它旨在在后台运行而不显示在 Dock 中。




于 2013-06-13T05:16:32.493 回答