Okay, I've just gotten dropped into a project I have several different modules written in AMD format. I need to get these javascript files that are loosely related into one javascript file, that will then be referenced as yet another AMD module across different projects (probably from a CDN).

The problem I'm facing is when I run r.js against these files and get them into one file, when I pull that combined file into another project it just gets spit out as undefined.

To give an idea of what I'm talking about


define(['jquery', 'some.other.class'], function($, foo){


define(['jquery', 'some.other.class'], function($, foo){


define(['jquery', 'some.other.class'], function($, foo){

Run through r.js into words.min.js

Then say I pull it into app.js as

require(['jquery', 'app/main/main', 'words.min'], function($, main, words) {
$(document).ready(function() {

words just shows up as undefined.

Just concatenating them all doesn't do anything as that just gives me a bunch of define statements one after another.

I tried creating a fake class that has

define(['word.grammar', 'word.translation', 'word.spelling'], function( g, t, s){
    return {
      grammar: g,
      translation: t,
      spelling: s

and running that through r.js, but no dice there either. Am I missing something here or am I going to have re-write these in non-AMD format so I can concatenate them together and return one giant object? Keep in mind, words.min.js is going to have to be hosted on a CDN and cached as it'll be shared throughout a number of projects so I need that as a separate file.


1 回答 1




  paths: {
    'words.spelling': 'libs/words.spelling',
    'words.grammar': 'libs/words.grammar',
    'words.translation': 'libs/words.translation'

您需要将相同的路径配置从开发传递到 r.js 优化器,以便它放在组合文件中的模块名称只有名称,而不是一些额外的路径信息。例如,您希望组合包中的模块名称为:'words.spelling',而不是'some/other/path/words.spelling'


  paths: {
    'words.spelling': 'libs/words.min',
    'words.grammar': 'libs/words.min',
    'words.translation': 'libs/words.min'

部分困惑是这不是 r.js 优化器的主要用途。它似乎是为最终网站开发人员设计的,而不是模块开发人员使用的。但正如您在上面看到的,可以强制它进入该模式。

于 2013-06-12T22:40:29.903 回答