I am working on some data analysis with excel spreadsheets and I want to use python for some of it, so I tried to install these Packages,http://www.python-excel.org/, The write package worked fine but when I tried to install the read package with $ Python setup.py Install it throws an exception saying I need Python 2.6 or later - so Installed the latest version of python and it throws the same exception. Any ideas why or how to fix?


1 回答 1


之所以 write package 运行良好,是因为其中没有版本检查代码。因此,您必须安装 python v2.7,因为它似乎编写包使用 <2.6 代码和读取包使用 >2.6 代码。要绑定两端,您只需要 v2.7。所以卸载每个python安装(旧的和新的)并安装v2.7。

于 2013-06-12T18:53:33.267 回答