我继承了一些我显然不知道它是如何工作的 node.js 代码。我遇到的问题是它正在打开数据库连接而不是关闭或重用它们。所以在某些时候我必须终止节点进程以释放连接,否则数据库将开始抱怨。我尝试自己关闭连接,但不能理解基于事件的逻辑,因为我要么在第二个查询运行之前关闭连接,要么根本不运行。我在 Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS 上使用节点 0.6.12 和节点 mysql 模块 v0.9.6。下面是一个示例模型方法。
this.search = function(options, callback) {
if (options.post) {
var query;
var param;
var limit;
var results_per_page = 10;
var page = (options.post.hasOwnProperty('page') && parseInt(options.post.page)) ? options.post.page : 1;
limit = ' LIMIT ' + ((page-1)*(results_per_page)) + ',' + results_per_page;
if (options.post.term) {
var escaped_term = options.database_client.escape('%' + options.post.term + '%');
query = "Q" + limit;
} else {
query = "Q" + limit;
options.database_client.query(query, [], query_results);
// Tried closing DB connection here
function query_results(err, results, fields) {
var all_results = {};
all_results.total_results = 0;
all_results.total_pages = 0;
all_results.current_page = page;
all_results.results = [];
if (err) {
console.log('You have an error: ' + err);
throw err;
} else {
if(!results[0]) {
callback(undefined, all_results);
} else{
options.database_client.query("SELECT found_rows() AS total", [], function(err, results2, fields) {
if (err) {
console.log('You have an error: ' + err);
throw err;
} else {
if (!results2[0]) {
callback(undefined, all_results);
} else {
var all_results = {};
all_results.total_results = results2[0].total;
all_results.total_pages = Math.ceil(all_results.total_results/results_per_page);
all_results.current_page = page;
for(var property in results) {
if(results[property] == "" || results[property] == " "){
results[property] = null;
all_results.results = results;
callback(undefined, all_results);
}); // end query
// I think here is only closing one connection
// Also tried here but total_pages, total_results end up being 0 in the results callback
根据 node.js mysql 模块文档关闭数据库连接。任何帮助将不胜感激。