来自: http: //www.magentocommerce.com/knowledge-base/entry/tutorial-creating-a-magento-widget-part-2
<!-- Option type -->
It can be either one of the simple form element types, e.g.:
or it can define a renderer which will be used to create
this configuration field in the edit form.
Renderer is supposed to be a block reference
in 'block_group/block_path' format, e.g.:
<!-- Source values for drop-downs and multiselects -->
There are two possible ways to define a set of available values.
The first way is to specify the list of available values right here:
<one translate="label">
<two translate="label">
<three translate="label">
The second way is to specify the source model,
which must have toOptionArray() public method available.
The method should return an array of values and labels
in the following format:
array('value' => 'value1', 'label' => 'Label 1'),
array('value' => 'value2', 'label' => 'Label 2'),
array('value' => 'value2', 'label' => 'Label 3'),
Source model name is specified in usual
'model_group/model_path' format, e.g.:
<!-- Additional helper block to be created on the edit form page, optional -->
<!-- Helper block reference in regular 'block_group/block_path' format -->
<!-- Arguments for the block constructor, optional -->
Here is the full example of helper block definition
from catalog module widgets:
<button translate="open">
<open>Select Product...</open>
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