I want to make an application is which file handling is used. That is file downloading (get the file), file parsing(process the file) and file uploading. It is not a web project. Actually the idea is we make this project and then make a jar of it and then use it in our further projects. How can i design my application so it is extendable easily in future. Is there is any spring framework for this task?



1 回答 1


我建议Spring BatchApache Camel。这两个框架可以自动化您所追求的下载/上传功能,并让您以结构良好的方式定义文件解析。如果您在进行 csv 或逐行解析,那么它已经为您完成了,您只需进行一些配置即可进行文件解析。查看Spring Batch 示例示例Apache Camel 示例作为起点。

于 2013-06-12T21:50:57.863 回答