I need a way to allow only one thread to modify data related to a service ticket. More than one thread may be attempting to modify the ticket data at the same time.

Below is a simplified version of my approach. Is there a better way to do this? Maybe with java.util.concurrent packages?

public class SomeClass1
    static final HashMap<Integer, Object> ticketLockMap = new HashMap<Integer, Object>();

    public void process(int ticketNumber)
        synchronized (getTicketLock(ticketNumber))
            // only one thread may modify ticket data here

            // ... ticket modifications here...

    protected static Object getTicketLock(int ticketNumber)
        Object ticketLock;

        // allow only one thread to use map
        synchronized (ticketLockMap)
            ticketLock = ticketLockMap.get(ticketNumber);

            if (ticketLock == null)
                // first time ticket is locked
                ticketLock = new Object();
                ticketLockMap.put(ticketNumber, ticketLock);

        return ticketLock;

Additionally, if I don't want the HashMap filling up with unused locks, I would need a more complex approach like the following:

public class SomeClass2
    static final HashMap<Integer, Lock> ticketLockMap = new HashMap<Integer, Lock>();

    public void process(int ticketNumber)
        synchronized (getTicketLock(ticketNumber))
            // only one thread may modify ticket data here

            // ... ticket modifications here...

            // after all modifications, release lock

    protected static Lock getTicketLock(int ticketNumber)
        Lock ticketLock;

        // allow only one thread to use map
        synchronized (ticketLockMap)
            ticketLock = ticketLockMap.get(ticketNumber);

            if (ticketLock == null)
                // first time ticket is locked
                ticketLock = new Lock();
                ticketLockMap.put(ticketNumber, ticketLock);

        return ticketLock;

    protected static void releaseTicketLock(int ticketNumber)
        // allow only one thread to use map
        synchronized (ticketLockMap)
            Lock ticketLock = ticketLockMap.get(ticketNumber);

            if (ticketLock != null && --ticketLock.inUseCount == 0)
                // lock no longer in use

class Lock
    // constructor/getters/setters omitted for brevity
    int inUseCount = 1;

1 回答 1


您可能正在寻找Lock界面。第二种情况可以通过 a 来解决ReentrantLock,它计算它被锁定的次数。


 Lock l = ...;
 try {
     // access the resource protected by this lock
 } finally {

然后可以将其与HashMap<Integer, Lock>. 您可以省略synchronized调用并减少代码行。

于 2016-03-30T14:47:30.287 回答