Could anyone explain me what is the Wicket's page versioning useful for? There is an article in the FAQ that is related to this topic:
Wicket stores versions of pages to support the browser's back button.
Suppose you have a paging ListView with links in the ListItems, and you've clicked through to display the third page of items. On the third page, you click the link to view the details page for that item. Now, the currently available state on the server is that you were on page 3 when you clicked the link. Then you click the browser's back button twice (i.e. back to list page 3, then back to list page 2, but all in the browser). While you're on page 2, the server state is that you're on page 3. Without versioning, clicking on a ListItem link on page 2 would actually take you to the details page for an item on page 3.
But unfortunately I don't understand it at all. When I click on a ListItem on page 2, I would expect to get to the page defined by that Link - details page for the item. Why should I get on the details page of the item on page 3?
Moreover, when one press the back button in a browser, it doesn't call the server at all. Is it right?
So how this versioning works?