I was looking at someone's code asked a year about having trouble with making a game and I came across a question about another part of their code that I cannot figure out. The following is the code...


from game_map import *

class Runner(object):
    def __init__(self, start):
        self.start = start

    def play(self):
        next_room = self.start

        while True:
            print '\n'
            print '-' * 7
            print next_room.__doc__

firstroom = Chillin()

my_game = Runner(firstroom)



from sys import exit

class Chillin(object):
    """It's 8pm on a Friday night in Madison. You're lounging on the couch with your 
roommates watching Dazed and Confused. What is your first drink?
    1. beer
    2. whiskey
    3. vodka
    4. bowl
    def __init__(self):
        self.prompt = '> '

    def proceed(self):
        drink = raw_input(self.prompt)

        if drink == '1' or drink == 'beer':
            print '\n Anytime is the right time.'
            print 'You crack open the first beer and sip it down.'
            room = Pregame()
            return room
        #rest of drinks will be written the same way

class Pregame(object):
    """It's time to really step up your pregame.
How many drinks do you take?

    def proceed(self):
        drinks = raw_input('> ')
    #and so on

So my question here is when firstroom = Chillin() the def __init__ is called, but somehow the self.prompt = '> ' doesn't show up until after the While loop loops through once. I am still quite new to coding so this question may seem vague but hopefully someone can answer because I am very confused. Thanks!


1 回答 1


self.prompt 在调用proceed() 之前不会显示。


于 2013-06-12T15:29:41.617 回答