I have found a similar question here Saving passwords inside an application but it didn't really answer my concerns.

I am dealing with an application that will receive a password (securely) from the user. Once I receive the password I would need store it in some variable and send it through transactions to other systems (this logic is safe and secure and already implemented).

My worry is that I don't want to be able to see the password in a core dump so I would like to encrypt any password before saving it to any variable.


  • Is encrypting it before saving it to a variable enough? Or am I missing some security loopholes?

  • Is there a simple header only libraries that can do encryption? Can you guide me to where I can start looking?

Note to answer commenters:

  • The password will not be stored long term; Only for the lifespan of the transactions.

  • Unfortunately, the participants of the transactions cannot decrypt the password, therefore I would need to decrypt it before I send it to them.

  • My main concern right now is to find a way to encrypt and decrypt the password locally - in an easy manner...

  • I found OpenSSL library and crypto++ but it seams that I would need to link with them, I can't just include and call them (i.e. not header only libraries)...



1 回答 1





  • 不要将密码作为简单的字符串保存在内存中的任何位置(将字符分散等)
  • 在使用密码后清除所有存储密码的变量(例如,如果您将密码传递给函数,则应在完成后将该变量的所有字符设置为函数内部的 NUL。
  • 加密密码。
  • 在应用程序的每次运行时更改加密密钥(如果是长时间运行的应用程序,则定期更改。)
  • 根据系统/硬件的某些方面以程序方式生成加密密钥,并且不要将密码的加密密钥存储在进程内存中的任何位置。
  • 如果可用,请使用可信平台模块 (TPM) 等硬件。




于 2013-06-12T15:25:52.853 回答