I have found a similar question here Saving passwords inside an application but it didn't really answer my concerns.
I am dealing with an application that will receive a password (securely) from the user. Once I receive the password I would need store it in some variable and send it through transactions to other systems (this logic is safe and secure and already implemented).
My worry is that I don't want to be able to see the password in a core dump so I would like to encrypt any password before saving it to any variable.
Is encrypting it before saving it to a variable enough? Or am I missing some security loopholes?
Is there a simple header only libraries that can do encryption? Can you guide me to where I can start looking?
Note to answer commenters:
The password will not be stored long term; Only for the lifespan of the transactions.
Unfortunately, the participants of the transactions cannot decrypt the password, therefore I would need to decrypt it before I send it to them.
My main concern right now is to find a way to encrypt and decrypt the password locally - in an easy manner...
I found OpenSSL library and crypto++ but it seams that I would need to link with them, I can't just include and call them (i.e. not header only libraries)...