非常感谢大家的回答。现在解决了。问题是: - 我的密钥和 ini.vector 是一个具有十六进制值的字符串 - 然后我必须使用我自己的函数将密钥和初始化向量从具有密钥的十六进制值的 ansistring 转换为 TByte:StrHexToTBytes - 在加密之前,不要添加填充。- 不要对加密的 TBytes 结果进行 base64decode 并将其放入带有 TEncoding.Default.GetString 的字符串中 - 然后为了我的使用,我将此字符串结果传递给具有十六进制值的字符串。
正如我在标题中发布的那样,Delphi 版本是 XE。
function StrHexToTBytes(const Hexstr: AnsiString): TBytes;
i: Integer;
SetLength(Result, Length(Hexstr) div 2);
for i:=0 to (Length(Hexstr) div 2 - 1) do
Result[i]:= StrToInt('$' + Copy(Hexstr, (i * 2) + 1, 2));
function EncryptData(const Data, AHexKey, AHexIv: AnsiString): Ansistring;
cipher: TDCP_rijndael;
key, iv, src, dest : TBytes;
slen: integer;
/// La clau pública és una cadena de valors Hexadecimals, i s'ha de convertir a un array de Bytes.
/// The Key and IV are an Hex ansistring, and must converted to TBytes
key := StrHexToTBytes(AHexKey);
iv := StrHexToTBytes(AHexIv);
/// Les dades estan en una cadena de caracters i s'ha de passar directament a un array de bytes
/// The Data is plain text in a string and must converted to TBytes
src := TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Data);
cipher := TDCP_rijndael.Create(nil);
cipher.CipherMode := cmCBC;
slen := Length(src);
/// Ull No s'ha de fer cap padding del text rebut!!!
/// Attention, the pading is not necessary!!!
// Add padding.
// Resize the Value array to make it a multiple of the block length.
// If it's already an exact multiple then add a full block of padding.
slen := Length(src);
bsize := (cipher.BlockSize div 8);
pad := bsize - (slen mod bsize);
Inc(slen, pad);
SetLength(src, slen);
for index := pad downto 1 do
src[slen - index] := pad;
SetLength(dest, slen);
cipher.Init(key[0], 256, @iv[0]); // DCP uses key size in BITS not BYTES
cipher.Encrypt(src[0], dest[0], slen);
/// El resultat no s'ha de codificar en base 64, es un binary que només s'ha de passar a Hexadecimal
/// The result does'nt must be converted to based 64, is a binary that must be puttd into a string.
// b64 := Base64EncodeBytes(dest);
// result := TEncoding.Default.GetString(b64);
result := TEncoding.Default.GetString(dest);
现在我必须调整 DecryptData 函数。