谁能帮我提供谷歌推送通知的示例代码。我在 json 消息中收到错误消息。
local googleApiKey = "**********************"
local googleRegistrationId = nil
-- Called when a sent notification has succeeded or failed.
local function onSendNotification(event)
local errorMessage = nil
-- Determine if we have successfully sent the notification to Google's server.
if event.isError then
-- Failed to connect to the server.
-- This typically happens due to lack of Internet access.
errorMessage = "Failed to connect to the server."
elseif event.status == 200 then
-- A status code of 200 means that the notification was sent succcessfully.
print("Notification was sent successfully.")
elseif event.status == 400 then
-- There was an error in the sent notification's JSON data.
errorMessage = event.response
elseif event.status == 401 then
-- There was a user authentication error.
errorMessage = "Failed to authenticate the sender's Google Play account."
elseif (event.status >= 500) and (event.status <= 599) then
-- The Google Cloud Messaging server failed to process the given notification.
-- This indicates an internal error on the server side or the server is temporarily unavailable.
-- In this case, we are supposed to silently fail and try again later.
errorMessage = "Server failed to process the request. Please try again later."
-- Display an error message if there was a failure.
if errorMessage then
native.showAlert("Notification Error", errorMessage, { "OK" })
-- Sends the given JSON message to the Google Cloud Messaging server to be pushed to Android devices.
local function sendNotification(jsonMessage)
-- Do not continue if a Google API Key was not provided.
if not googleApiKey then
-- Print the JSON message to the log.
print("--- Sending Notification ----")
-- Send the push notification to this app.
local url = "**************************"
local parameters =
headers =
["Authorization"] = "key=" .. googleApiKey,
["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
body = jsonMessage,
network.request(url, "POST", onSendNotification, parameters)
-- Sends a push notification when the screen has been tapped.
local function onTap(event)
-- Do not continue if this app has not been registered for push notifications yet.
if not googleRegistrationId then
-- Set up a JSON message to send a push notification to this app.
-- The "registration_ids" tells Google to whom this push notification should be delivered to.
-- The "alert" field sets the message to be displayed when the notification has been received.
-- The "sound" field is optional and will play a sound file in the app's ResourceDirectory.
-- The "custom" field is optional and will be delivered by the notification event's "event.custom" property.
local jsonMessage =
"registration_ids": ["]] .. tostring(googleRegistrationId) .. [["],
"alert": "Hello World!",
"sound": "notification.wav",
"boolean": true,
"number": 123.456,
"string": "Custom data test.",
"array": [ true, false, 0, 1, "", "This is a test." ],
"table": { "x": 1, "y": 2 }
Runtime:addEventListener("tap", onTap)
-- Prints all contents of a Lua table to the log.
local function printTable(table, stringPrefix)
if not stringPrefix then
stringPrefix = "### "
if type(table) == "table" then
for key, value in pairs(table) do
if type(value) == "table" then
print(stringPrefix .. tostring(key))
print(stringPrefix .. "{")
printTable(value, stringPrefix .. " ")
print(stringPrefix .. "}")
print(stringPrefix .. tostring(key) .. ": " .. tostring(value))
-- Called when a notification event has been received.
local function onNotification(event)
if event.type == "remoteRegistration" then
-- This device has just been registered for Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) push notifications.
-- Store the Registration ID that was assigned to this application by Google.
googleRegistrationId = event.token
-- Display a message indicating that registration was successful.
local message = "This app has successfully registered for Google push notifications."
native.showAlert("Information", message, { "OK" })
-- Print the registration event to the log.
print("### --- Registration Event ---")
-- A push notification has just been received. Print it to the log.
print("### --- Notification Event ---")
-- Set up a notification listener.
Runtime:addEventListener("notification", onNotification)
-- Print this app's launch arguments to the log.
-- This allows you to view what these arguments provide when this app is started by tapping a notification.
local launchArgs = ...
print("### --- Launch Arguments ---")
每当调用此代码并出现错误 400 通知时。有没有办法使用电晕向安卓设备发送自定义推送通知?