package foolib.generic
//defines common types used by all modules
trait CoreModule {
type Id // abstract type, not commited to any particular implementation
//module defining the EntityModule trait
trait EntityModule { this: CoreModule => //specifying core module as a dependency
trait GenEntity {
def id: Id
def mkEntity(id: Id): Entity //abstract way of creating an entity
//defines the GenRepository trait
trait RepositoryModule { this: EntityModule with CoreModule => //multiple dependencies
trait GenRepository {
def getById(id: Id): GenEntity
val repository: GenRepository //abstract way of obtaining a repository
//concrete implementation for entity
trait EntityImplModule extends EntityModule { this: CoreModule =>
case class Entity(val id: Id) extends GenEntity
def mkEntity(id: Id) = Entity(id)
//modules that provides a concrete implementation for GenRepository
trait RepositoryImplModule extends RepositoryModule { this: CoreModule with EntityModule =>
object RepositoryImpl extends GenRepository {
def getById(id: Id) = mkEntity(id)
//this unifies all your modules. You can also bind any dependencies and specify any types
object Universe
extends CoreModule
with EntityImplModule
with RepositoryImplModule {
type Id = java.util.UUID
val repository = RepositoryImpl
def mkEntity(id: Id) = Entity(id)
object Main {
import Universe._
import java.util.UUID
val entity = repository.getById(UUID.randomUUID())
这实现了创建独立于具体类型 Id 的实现的目标,并且还提供了一种进行依赖注入的好方法。
例如,为 提供具体实现的模块GenRepository
. 您可以很好地创建另一个绑定Id
仅适用于某种类型的 id。
Cake 模式非常强大,并且有很多变化。该视频解释得很好,如果您对此解决方案感兴趣,我建议您观看: