declare @Hours as Table ( EmpId Int, Monday Time, Tuesday Time, Wednesday Time,
Thursday Time, Friday Time, Saturday Time, Sunday Time, StartDate Date, EndDate Date );
insert into @Hours
( EmpId, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, StartDate, EndDate )
( 1, '08:00', '08:12', '00:00', '04:00', '00:00', '03:00', '00:00', '20130510', '20130516' );
select * from @Hours;
with Week as (
-- Build a table of all of the dates in the work week.
select StartDate as WorkDate, EndDate
from @Hours
union all
select DateAdd( day, 1, WorkDate ), EndDate
from Week
where WorkDate < EndDate )
-- Output the result.
select EmpId,
case DatePart( weekday, W.WorkDate )
when 1 then H.Monday
when 2 then H.Tuesday
when 3 then H.Wednesday
when 4 then H.Thursday
when 5 then H.Friday
when 6 then H.Saturday
when 7 then H.Sunday
end as Hours,
WorkDate as StartDate, WorkDate as EndDate,
DatePart( weekday, W.WorkDate ) as DayOfWeek
from Week as W inner join
@Hours as H on H.StartDate <= W.WorkDate and W.WorkDate <= H.EndDate;
with Week as (
-- Build a table of all of the dates in the work week.
select StartDate as WorkDate, EndDate
from @Hours
union all
select DateAdd( day, 1, WorkDate ), EndDate
from Week
where WorkDate < EndDate ),
DaysHours as (
-- Build a table of the hours assigned to each date.
select EmpId,
case DatePart( weekday, W.WorkDate )
when 1 then H.Monday
when 2 then H.Tuesday
when 3 then H.Wednesday
when 4 then H.Thursday
when 5 then H.Friday
when 6 then H.Saturday
when 7 then H.Sunday
end as Hours,
WorkDate as StartDate, WorkDate as EndDate
from Week as W inner join
@Hours as H on H.StartDate <= W.WorkDate and W.WorkDate <= H.EndDate )
-- Output the non-zero hours.
select EmpId, Hours, StartDate, EndDate
from DaysHours
where Hours <> Cast( '00:00' as Time );