最后一部分是将给定数组与可能反转的版本进行比较,如果反转正确则输出“True”,否则输出“False”。它还需要在不使用内置 php 数组函数的情况下完成。我还是编程新手,想学习。任何帮助将不胜感激,因为我什至不知道从最后一部分开始。这就是我到目前为止所拥有的。
//Original array
$the_array = array(5,9,2,8,3,1,7,6,4);
$arrayString = implode(',',$the_array);
echo ("The original array is: ");
echo $arrayString;
echo "<br />";
//Sort loop
// Compares each value in the array to the next one by seeing if the value is greater then the next +1
// If the value is greater then the next value +1 then it stores the value and moves it into the next position.
for ($j = 0; $j < count($the_array); $j++)
for ($i = 0; $i < count($the_array)-1; $i++)
if ($the_array[$i] > $the_array[$i+1])
$tmp = $the_array[$i+1];
$the_array[$i+1] = $the_array[$i];
$the_array[$i] = $tmp;
$arrayString = implode(',',$the_array);
echo ("The array after sorting is: ");
echo $arrayString;
echo "<br />";
//reversal loop
for ($tmp = sizeof($the_array) - 1; $tmp >= 0; $tmp--)
$reverse[] = $the_array[$tmp]; //New reversed array
echo ("The reversed array is: ");
$reverseString = implode(',',$reverse);
echo $reverseString;