Im sure this is a very common problem but have not seen any questions asked on how to accomplish the following.

I created a service that runs every 5 minutes and gets called when the device has finished on BOOT_COMPLETE and this works just fine.

The problem I am encountering is when I am debugging on my device I have to re-boot my phone in order to get the service to launch. Is there a way for me to start this background service that runs every 5 mintues on Application Startup.

So what I need is to check if the service is running in the first place and if it is not start it.

Just to elaborate a little bit more, this service fetches data of the web so my ideal situation of having it get kicked off by BOOT_COMPLETE works just great. But in the scenarios that the user downloads the app and launches it this service will not get kicked off so I need a manual way of starting. If the service is not running, which it wouldn't be if the user just installed it I need to start it.


3 回答 3




从 Manifest 中移除 IntentFilter 并手动调用它。希望这对其他人有帮助。

    if(!isMyServiceRunning()) {
        Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, OnBootReceiver.class);
于 2013-06-11T21:14:07.730 回答

您可以使用 手动启动服务adb shell。请参阅如何从 adb shell 启动和停止 android 服务?


am startservice com.your.package/.ServiceClassName

根据 Android 版本,有效语法可能会略有变化,例如:

am startservice -n com.your.package/.ServiceClassName
am startservice -a com.your.package/.ServiceClassName
am startservice --user 0 -n com.your.package/.ServiceClassName
于 2013-06-11T20:26:41.323 回答

听起来你想做一个由 BOOT_COMPLETE 事件启动的粘性服务



于 2013-06-11T20:26:50.637 回答