I'm trying to build my project in new XCode 5.0 (Version 5.0 (5A11314m))
My project includes xib with UICollectionView. The target of the project is iOS 4.3, but that xib will be displayed only in >=6.0.
During build i receive errors:
/* com.apple.ibtool.document.errors */
/Users/povolotskayalyubov/Documents/work/PF/Classes/SocialNetwork/FBPhotoThumbnailViewController.xib:9: error: UICollectionView on iOS versions prior to 6.0/Users/povolotskayalyubov/Documents/work/PF/Classes/SocialNetwork/FBPhotoThumbnailViewController.xib:17: error: UICollectionViewLayout on iOS versions prior to 6.0
How can i disable these checks to build project ?