我需要做的是能够在我的视图类中调用 Player 数组,打印轮到谁以及他们的分数。当他们的回合结束时,移动到下一个玩家并打印该玩家的得分。当它回到轮到玩家 1 时,它会带回他们的总分并增加。
最终目标: Player 和 Die 类是一个数组。我的骰子和计分方法非常好。这是贪婪/farkle的游戏。1 名玩家掷出 6 个骰子,并以此为基础获得分数。然后滚动未使用/未刻痕的骰子。在玩家回合结束时,我们必须打印出他们的回合得分和总得分。移动到下一个玩家,然后重新开始。当某个玩家达到某个分数时,游戏就结束了,那个人就是赢家。
现在我只有一个循环遍历 4 个玩家的 if 语句。这不是目标。我需要将玩家类放入一个数组中,并使用该类循环播放玩家,并可能使用它来报告他们的游戏得分。
public class Player {
/** player id */
private int id;
/** player name */
private String name;
/** player's score in the game */
private int gameScore;
* Constructs a new Player with the specified id.
* @param id player's id
public Player(int id) {
this.id = id;
* Returns the id of player.
* @return player's id
public int getId() {
return id;
* Returns the name of player.
* @return player's name
public String getName() {
return name;
* Sets the name of player using the given parameter value.
* @param name value used to set the name of player
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
* Returns the player's score in the game.
* @return player's score in the game
public int getGameScore() {
return gameScore;
* Sets the game score of a player.
* @param score value used to set the game score of player
public void setGameScore(int score) {
this.gameScore = score;
* Returns a String representing a player.
* @return string form of this player
public String toString() {
return id + "";
public class Die {
/** maximum face value */
private static final int MAX = 6;
/** current value showing on the die */
private int faceValue;
* Constructs a Die instance with a face value of 1.
public Die() {
faceValue = 1;
* Computes a new face value for this die and returns the result.
* @return face value of die
public int roll() {
faceValue = (int) (Math.random() * MAX) + 1;
return faceValue;
* Sets the face value of the die.
* @param value an int indicating the face value of the die
public void setFaceValue(int value) {
if (value > 0 && value <= MAX) {
faceValue = value;
* Returns the face value of the die.
* @return the face value
public int getFaceValue() {
return faceValue;
import java.util.*;
import model.Die;
import model.Player;
import model.GreedGame;
public class GreedCLI {
private int whoInt;
private int farkleScore;
private Player playerClass;
private GreedGame farkle;
private Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
private final int max = 4;
private final int min = 2;
private final int minStarter = 1;
private final int minScore = 1000;
private final int maxScore = 10000;
int toWin, totalPlayers, player;
public GreedCLI() {
public void startUp() {
System.out.println("Welcome to Farkle! \n \n");
totalPlayers = getPlayerTotal("Please enter total number of player (2-4): ");
toWin = getScoreTotal("Please enter total points needed to win: ");
player = getStartPlayer();
System.out.println("\nGood Luck!\n");
farkle = new GreedGame(totalPlayers, player, toWin);
private int getStartPlayer() {
int who;
while (true) {
try {
System.out.print("Which player will start the game(1-"
+ totalPlayers + ")?: ");
who = Integer.parseInt(scan.nextLine());
if (who < minStarter || who > totalPlayers) {
System.out.println("Error - values outside parameter.");
} else {
} catch (InputMismatchException ex) {
System.out.println("Error - input must be an integer value.");
return who;
private int getPlayerTotal(String enter) {
int playerTotal;
while (true) {
try {
System.out.print(enter + "");
playerTotal = Integer.parseInt(scan.nextLine());
if (playerTotal < min || playerTotal > max) {
System.out.println("Error - values outside parameter.");
} else {
} catch (InputMismatchException ex) {
System.out.println("Error - input must be an integer value.");
return playerTotal;
private int getScoreTotal(String enter) {
int scoreTotal;
while (true) {
try {
System.out.print(enter + "");
scoreTotal = Integer.parseInt(scan.nextLine());
if (scoreTotal < minScore || scoreTotal > maxScore) {
System.out.println("Error - values outside parameter.");
} else {
} catch (InputMismatchException ex) {
System.out.println("Error - input must be an integer value.");
return scoreTotal;
// public int scoreTotal() {
// int playerScore = playerClass.getGameScore() + farkleScore;
// return playerScore;
// }
private void gameOn() {
boolean over = false;
boolean endTurn = false;
String answer;
char answerChar = 'Y';
String roll;
System.out.println("Player " + farkle.getPlayers() + "'s turn!");
while (!over) {
while (!endTurn) {
roll = farkle.toString();
farkleScore = farkle.score();
System.out.println("Player " + farkle.getPlayers() + " rolls "
+ roll + " worth " + farkleScore);
if (farkleScore < 1) {
.println("Sorry, you rolled a 0. Moving on to the next Player!");
endTurn = true;
if (farkle.availableDie() < 1) {
.println("Sorry, you are out of dice. Moving on to the next Player!");
endTurn = true;
if (farkle.availableDie() > 1 && farkleScore > 1) {
.print("Would you like to keep rolling? You have "
+ farkle.availableDie()
+ " die remaining (Y or N): ");
answer = scan.nextLine().trim().toUpperCase();
answerChar = answer.charAt(0);
if (answerChar == 'N') {
endTurn = true;
while (endTurn) {
System.out.println("\nNow it is the next player's turn.");
endTurn = false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
new GreedCLI();
package model;
import java.util.*;
public class GreedGame {
/** int for total die remaining */
private int remainingDie = 6;
/** counts number of times number appears */
private int[] numFreq;
/** array for players */
private int players = 1;
/** call player class */
private Player playerFromClass;
/** array for die */
private int[] die;
private Player[] who;
private int whoInt;
/** total players */
private int totalPlayers;
/** starting player */
private int currentPlayer;
/** total number of points needed */
private int winningPoints;
/** calls player method to get turn */
private Player turn;
/** score for the turn */
private int turnScore = 0;
/** score for the turn */
private int totalScore;
/** string for the roll result for the toString */
private String rollResult;
/** calls class to roll the die */
Die dieRoll = new Die();
* Default constructor, sets the values of the instance variables
* @param players
* and winning points pulled from CLI
public GreedGame(int totalPlayers, int firstPlayer, int winningPoints) {
this.totalPlayers = totalPlayers;
this.currentPlayer = firstPlayer;
this.winningPoints = winningPoints;
public Player playerClass() {
return playerFromClass;
public int getPlayers() {
return players;
/* private Player[] getStartPlayerClass() {
for(int i = 0; i < totalPlayers; i++){
i = this.currentPlayer++;
return who;
public void nextPlayer(){
if(players < 1){
players = 1;
else if(players < 4){
players = 1;
/*private int getStartPlayerInt(){
whoInt = who.getId();
return whoInt;
public Player getTurn(){
return turn;
public void setPlayers(int players) {
this.players = players;
* calculates remaining die
public int availableDie() {
return this.remainingDie;
* boolean to passDie
public void passDie() {
this.remainingDie = 6;
* array to roll the remaining dice
public int[] rollDie() {
this.die = new int[this.remainingDie];
for (int i = 0; i < this.die.length; i++) {
this.die[i] = dieRoll.roll();
return this.die;
* toString for the cli to call, puts roll in string.
public String toString() {
rollResult = Arrays.toString(rollDie());
return rollResult;
* score method to add up total points and can be called elsewhere
public int score() {
turnScore = 0;
return straight() + threePairs() + sixOfAKind() + fiveOfAKind()
+ fourOfAKind() + threeOfAKind() + eachFive() + eachOne();
* array to roll the remaining dice
public int[] rollCheck() {
this.numFreq = new int[6];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // set to zero
this.numFreq[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < this.remainingDie; i++) {
if (die[i] == 1) {
numFreq[0] += 1;
if (die[i] == 2) {
numFreq[1] += 1;
if (die[i] == 3) {
numFreq[2] += 1;
if (die[i] == 4) {
numFreq[3] += 1;
if (die[i] == 5) {
numFreq[4] += 1;
if (die[i] == 6) {
numFreq[5] += 1;
return this.numFreq;
* scoring method for rolling a single or two 1's
private int eachOne() {
if (straight() == 0 && sixOfAKind() == 0 && threePairs() == 0
&& this.numFreq[0] < 3) {
if (this.numFreq[0] == 1) {
turnScore = 100;
return turnScore;
}else if (this.numFreq[0] == 2) {
turnScore = 200;
this.remainingDie -= 2;
return turnScore;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
* scoring method for rolling a single or two 5's
private int eachFive() {
if (straight() == 0 && sixOfAKind() == 0 && threePairs() == 0
&& this.numFreq[4] < 3) {
if (this.numFreq[4] == 1) {
turnScore = 50;
return turnScore;
}else if (this.numFreq[4] == 2) {
turnScore = 100;
this.remainingDie -= 2;
return turnScore;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
* scoring method for rolling 3 of a kind
private int threeOfAKind() {
if (sixOfAKind() == 0 && fiveOfAKind() == 0 && fourOfAKind() == 0
&& straight() == 0) {
if (this.numFreq[0] == 3) {
turnScore += 1000;
this.remainingDie -= 3;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[1] == 3) {
turnScore += 200;
this.remainingDie -= 3;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[2] == 3) {
turnScore += 300;
this.remainingDie -= 3;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[3] == 3) {
turnScore += 400;
this.remainingDie -= 3;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[4] == 3) {
turnScore += 500;
this.remainingDie -= 3;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[5] == 3) {
turnScore += 600;
this.remainingDie -= 3;
return turnScore;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
* scoring method for rolling four of a kind
private int fourOfAKind() {
if (sixOfAKind() == 0 && fiveOfAKind() == 0 && straight() == 0) {
if (this.numFreq[0] == 4) {
turnScore += 2000;
this.remainingDie -= 4;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[1] == 4) {
turnScore += 400;
this.remainingDie -= 4;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[2] == 4) {
turnScore += 600;
this.remainingDie -= 4;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[3] == 4) {
turnScore += 800;
this.remainingDie -= 4;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[4] == 4) {
turnScore += 1000;
this.remainingDie -= 4;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[5] == 4) {
turnScore += 1200;
this.remainingDie -= 4;
return turnScore;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
* scoring method for rolling 5 of a kind
private int fiveOfAKind() {
if (sixOfAKind() == 0 && straight() == 0) {
if (this.numFreq[0] == 5) {
turnScore += 4000;
this.remainingDie -= 5;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[1] == 5) {
turnScore += 800;
this.remainingDie -= 5;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[2] == 5) {
turnScore += 1200;
this.remainingDie -= 5;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[3] == 5) {
turnScore += 1600;
this.remainingDie -= 5;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[4] == 5) {
turnScore += 2000;
this.remainingDie -= 5;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[5] == 5) {
turnScore += 2400;
this.remainingDie -= 5;
return turnScore;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
* scoring method for rolling 6 of a kind
private int sixOfAKind() {
if (this.numFreq[0] == 6) {
turnScore += 8000;
this.remainingDie -= 6;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[1] == 6) {
turnScore += 1600;
this.remainingDie -= 6;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[2] == 6) {
turnScore += 2400;
this.remainingDie -= 6;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[3] == 6) {
turnScore += 3200;
this.remainingDie -= 6;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[4] == 6) {
turnScore += 4000;
this.remainingDie -= 6;
return turnScore;
if (this.numFreq[5] == 6) {
turnScore += 4800;
this.remainingDie -= 6;
return turnScore;
} else {
return 0;
* scoring method for rolling 3 pairs
private int threePairs() {
int pairs = 0;
if (this.numFreq[0] == 2) {
if (this.numFreq[1] == 2) {
if (this.numFreq[2] == 2) {
if (this.numFreq[3] == 2) {
if (this.numFreq[4] == 2) {
if (this.numFreq[5] == 2) {
if (pairs == 3) {
turnScore += 800;
this.remainingDie -= 6;
return turnScore;
} else {
return 0;
* scoring method for rolling a straight
private int straight() {
if (this.numFreq[0] == 1 && this.numFreq[1] == 1
&& this.numFreq[2] == 1 && this.numFreq[3] == 1
&& this.numFreq[4] == 1 && this.numFreq[5] == 1) {
turnScore += 1200;
this.remainingDie -= 6;
return turnScore;
} else {
return 0;