I have some things I need to store as observables in my app. I've tried creating separate veiwmodels but when I bind them it clears the others. So I'm just going to post what my basic data layout is and see if anyone is willing to suggest a way to define the viewmodels...

  • Search Results
    • Result Name
    • Result Type
  • Items
    • Item Name
    • Type
    • properties
      • Property Name
      • Property Value
  • More?

The biggest trick is that I'm trying to bind each item to a dynamically created element like so:

    $("<div/>", {                                                       //create new div
        class: "itemView",                                              //add css class
        id: name,                                                       //set ID to item name (may change to array location later?)
        "data-bind": "template: { name: 'tmplItemView' }"
    }).appendTo("body").draggable();                                    //append to the body and make it draggable
    items[numItems] = new item();
        document.getElementById('#' + name));   

I'm trying to use something like this: http://www.knockmeout.net/2012/05/quick-tip-skip-binding.html but from what I gather it's better to define your view models as functions, so that's what I'm doing and I'm not sure where to go from here.

Here is a nonfunctional fiddle of everything I have so far: http://jsfiddle.net/MDNAJ/

Again, it lists all the results and you can click a result and get a popup with the correct info, but the search results disappear.


1 回答 1


我认为您在视图模型的概念中缺少的一件事是对象模型。如果您创建了一个对象模型,那么您可以在您的视图模型中使用它。有点像在开始的编程课程中,您如何在 Main 中使用 Class 来做一些花哨的事情(又名“面向对象编程”)。

您的项目将有一个 ItemModel,它会是这样的(注意 OBJECT MODEL 注释):

//namespace myProj
var myProj = myProj || {};
var myProjViewModel = {};

myProj.PageComponent = (function ($, ko) {
    function ItemsModel(data) {
        var self = this;
        if (data === undefined) {
            data = {}; //protect the data by creating an empty object
        self.name = ko.observable(data.name || "");
        self.type = data.parts || "";
        self.properties = ko.observableArray(data.properties || []);

    function PageVM(data) {
        var self = this;

        if (data === undefined) {
            data = {}; //protect the data by creating an empty object
        self.searchBy = ko.observable("");
        self.resultName = ko.observable("");
        self.resultType = ko.observable("");
        self.itemsList = ko.observableArray([]);

        self.searchItem = function () {
            //ask server for items
                url: '/Page/SearchItems',
                type: 'POST',
                data: {
                    searchParameters: self.searchBy(); 
                    //where searchParameters is a variable required 
                    //by the SearchItems function
                    //in the Page Controller
                dataType: "json",
                traditional: true,
                success: function (result) {
                error: function () {

        self.load = function (data) {
            //load Items into the ViewModel
            //which triggers an update for the observables

            //call jQuery map, which makes an array foreach data.items, do the function
            var mappedItems = $.map(data.Items, function (item) {
                //calling function and passing data: creating new ItemsModel, passing in the item
                return new ItemsModel(item); 


    var initModule = function (model) {
        myProjViewModel = new PageVM(model);
    return {
        initModule: initModule
})($, ko);

//put this in view
//$(document).ready(function () {
//    myProj.PageComponent.initModule();
于 2013-06-13T15:45:33.740 回答