I would like to test how my app would work under different cultures.
So for testing purposes, under Windows 7, I tried to change CurrentUICulture
in system settings.
This seems to be the right option: Language for non-Unicode programs
as suggested here, but it does not work, i.e. app's locale is still English.
I also tried this in Region and Language
- Formats: change Format to another culture
- Location: set current location to another country.
The question is what should I set in Windows 7 for it to affect:
instead of having to write this:
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = New CultureInfo("fr")
Ultimately, this code should pick the correct culture, get the correctly suffixed resource file and display it on the screen (which it does with the above line in place):
Label1.Text = My.Resources.Form1Resource.TestString
A similar question has been asked on StackOverflow, but none of the answers addressed this issue.