I used to use vagrant to run my GAE Python apps, but I wanted to tried with virtualenv.

Everything worked okay, but I can't access anything in /_ah/* - I would only need /_ah/admin and also /_ah/img, where uploaded images from the admin panel are located.

I checked my app.yaml and it has everything: the admin_redirect builtin is okay, and I also tried to include the admin_redirect .py manually.

This is the file, just in case: http://pastebin.com/eV9yTegf (I tried with threadsafe yes and no, also).

Can anybody help? I am totally stuck, I tried everything and I don't know what to do next.


1 回答 1


如果您运行的是最新版本 (1.8.0+),那么管理控制台实际上是在不同的端口上运行的。默认情况下正在运行,http://localhost:8000/但您可以通过运行dev_appserver.py选项来更改它--admin_port

于 2013-06-11T19:18:51.667 回答