We're using a library that uses pooled objects (ServiceStack.Redis's PooledRedisClientManager). Objects are created and reused for multiple web requests. However, Dispose should be called after each use to release the object back into the pool.

By default, Ninject only deactivates an object reference if it has not been deactivated before.

What happens is that the pool instantiates an object and marks it as active. Ninject then runs the activation pipeline. At the end of the request (a web request), Ninject runs the deactivation pipeline which calls Dispose (and thus the pool marks the object as inactive). The next request: the first pooled instance is used and the pool marks it as active. However, at the end of the request, Ninject does not run its deactivation pipeline because the ActivationCache has already marked this instance as deactivated (this is in the Pipeline).

Here's a simple sample that we've added in a new MVC project to demonstrate this problem:

public interface IFooFactory
    IFooClient GetClient();
    void DisposeClient(FooClient client);

public class PooledFooClientFactory : IFooFactory
    private readonly List<FooClient> pool = new List<FooClient>();

    public IFooClient GetClient()
        lock (pool)
            var client = pool.SingleOrDefault(c => !c.Active);

            if (client == null)
                client = new FooClient(pool.Count + 1);
                client.Factory = this;

            client.Active = true;

            return client;

    public void DisposeClient(FooClient client)
        client.Active = false;

public interface IFooClient
    void Use();

public class FooClient : IFooClient, IDisposable
    internal IFooFactory Factory { get; set; }
    internal bool Active { get; set; }
    internal int Id { get; private set; }

    public FooClient(int id)
        this.Id = id;

    public void Dispose()
        if (Factory != null)

    public void Use()

public class HomeController : Controller
    private IFooClient foo;

    public HomeController(IFooClient foo)
        this.foo = foo;

    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();

    public ActionResult About()
        return View();

// In the Ninject configuration (NinjectWebCommon.cs)
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)

        .ToMethod(ctx => ctx.Kernel.Get<IFooFactory>().GetClient())

The solutions that we've come up with thus far are:

  1. Mark these objects as InTransientScope() and use other deactivation mechanism (like an MVC ActionFilter to dispose of the object after each request). We'd lose the benefits of Ninject's deactivation process and require an indirect approach to disposing of the object.

  2. Write a custom IActivationCache that checks the pool to see if the object is active. Here's what I've written so far, but I'd like some one else's eyes to see how robust it is:

    public class PooledFooClientActivationCache : DisposableObject, IActivationCache, INinjectComponent, IDisposable, IPruneable
        private readonly ActivationCache realCache;
        public PooledFooClientActivationCache(ICachePruner cachePruner)
            realCache = new ActivationCache(cachePruner);
        public void AddActivatedInstance(object instance)
        public void AddDeactivatedInstance(object instance)
        public void Clear()
        public bool IsActivated(object instance)
            lock (realCache)
                var fooClient = instance as FooClient;
                if (fooClient != null) return fooClient.Active;
                return realCache.IsActivated(instance);
        public bool IsDeactivated(object instance)
            lock (realCache)
                var fooClient = instance as FooClient;
                if (fooClient != null) return !fooClient.Active;
                return realCache.IsDeactivated(instance);
        public Ninject.INinjectSettings Settings
                return realCache.Settings;
                realCache.Settings = value;
        public void Prune()
    // Wire it up:
    kernel.Components.Add<IActivationCache, PooledFooClientActivationCache>();
  3. Specifically for ServiceStack.Redis's: use the PooledRedisClientManager.DisposablePooledClient<RedisClient> wrapper so we always get a new object instance. Then let the client object become transient since the wrapper takes care of disposing it. This approach does not tackle the broader concept of pooled objects with Ninject and only fixes it for ServiceStack.Redis.

    var clientManager = new PooledRedisClientManager();
        .ToMethod(ctx => clientManager.GetDisposableClient<RedisClient>())
        .ToMethod(ctx => ctx.Kernel.Get<PooledRedisClientManager.DisposablePooledClient<RedisClient>>().Client)

Is one of these approaches more appropriate than the other?


1 回答 1


到目前为止我还没有使用过 Redis,所以我不能告诉你如何正确地使用它。但总的来说,我可以给你一些意见:

处置不是 ActivationPipeline 所做的唯一事情。(例如,它还进行属性/方法注入和执行激活/停用操作。)通过使用即使之前已被激活也返回 false 的自定义激活缓存将导致再次执行这些其他操作(例如,导致再次执行属性注入.)

于 2013-06-12T15:50:46.017 回答