Here's the situation.

.Net c# App has not changed, IT group did "a lot of stuff" (new san, new routers & switches software, etc) app works fine, except all Jquery Ajax calls never return.

So obviously they changed something... In Dev tools in Chrome, I see the request go out, but it never receives a reply.

the server gets crippled by the pile up of hung threads, performance suffers horribly. after 10k connections they have to bounce the server.

So of course now they want us to help them figure out what they did wrong.

What should I be looking for? My best guess is the wireshark the process and see where the last communications takes place.

after that I'm at a loss; what can cause this behavior?


1 回答 1


如果服务器配置没有改变,那么我会查看防火墙设置。Wireshark 是一个很好的工具——服务器可以通过端口 80 发送数据吗?服务器可以通过网络发送任何东西吗?服务器显然正在接收某些东西,否则您将不会拥有所有这些连接。我知道对于 Sonicwall 防火墙,默认情况下出站访问是完全开放的,但我相信 Cisco ASA 需要明确许可(对此并不积极)。你在使用 VLAN 吗?如果是这样,服务器是否在隐藏在自己的独立 VLAN 中时与外界隔绝?此外,在服务器上运行 netstat -a 以检查连接以帮助进行故障排除。

于 2013-06-11T15:23:51.360 回答