我正在尝试为集成/验收测试设置 SpecFlow。我们的产品在 Sqlite 中有一个后备数据库(虽然不是很大)。




  1. 将数据库编译到包含测试的程序集中,然后为每个测试进行卷影复制。不过似乎很慢。
  2. 我可以在内存中创建数据库并用预先确定的数据填充它。
  3. 我可以在内存中创建数据库,并以某种方式让 Givens 填充数据库。这似乎会使测试变得非常臃肿,但可能会给他们更多的控制权并使测试不那么脆弱。
  4. 我可以抽象每个数据库交互并使用模拟。不喜欢这个想法,因为我也想用它来测试数据库交互。
  5. 将数据库编译到测试中并依靠清理代码将其返回到基本状态(这对我来说似乎很狡猾)。不想对事务进行此操作,因为将与某些测试进行多次交互(因此编写一个项目然后尝试以不同的权限将其读回)。

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Before considering the How to test, I think you might find it valuable to look at What you want to test.

Starting with what data, I find that it really helps to take a single element, or a small number, and imagine a set of events around them in order to give you the right test data to run your tests with. For example;

  • If you were working on a healthcare system, you might define a person "Bob" and then produce his life events. Bob was born 37 years ago today, fell off his bike as a child and broke his arm, got married, and has two children.
  • If you are working on a financial trading system, you might look at a day between opening and closing for a couple of stocks, e.g. "MSFT" and "APPL". On this day you might see one starting low and climbing, the other starting high and falling. A piece of news comes out that reverses their fortunes.

Now you have the what you can actually evaluate which of your scenarios actually work for your data, e.g. “MSFT” and “APPL” could have 1,000s of price changes throughout the day, so generating the Givens and Mocks would be very time consuming. This data lends itself to being pre-captured. On the other hand the “Bob” data works particularly well when using generated data because the data can always change so that it is his birthday today.

One thing your question doesn’t seem to need to consider is updating your data. For example you might want to have a set of tests that work at various stages of your entities life cycle, e.g. Some tests deal with “Baby Bob”, others with “10yr old Bob”,or “Married Bob” etc. If your DB is read only then this isn’t a problem if you can write your tests so that they just don’t see the other data, but sometimes you want build a story through your tests. If your tests do change the data, then you will have problems with ensuring that either your tests run in order (see MSTest OrderedTest or mbUnit DependsOn), or that you can separate your tests so they each deal with an isolated data entity (this is fine if your entity can be described in a single row, but gets harder when you have to read many tables to get it).

You also might want to consider what code you are testing, you can vary the approach inside your different test sets. I currently work on a multi-tier application that has a UI Views, View Models, Client Models, multiple communication systems, and server models. I also have different sets of tests for these. I have some tests that work in a single tier, mocking out other tiers to keep my tests small. Other tests fire up a local server and local client and wire the two up directly. Finally I have some tests that launch a full server process, communicate via EMS and run some simple client side operations using everything but the UI Views.

So now to actually answer your question,

  1. Shadow copy your database - Yes, I’ve done this once with SQLServer Developer and had an xxx.mdb that got copied in before running the tests. However some modern testing frameworks will run tests in parallel e.g. NCrunch, so this just breaks.
  2. Create the database and pre-populate - Not done this one, but my concerns would be what happens where a test changes the database to an unexpected state. Other tests will fail when they have done nothing wrong.
  3. Create the database and use Givens - I’ve done this with NUnit via [SetupFixture]on top of a Linq-to-sql DB.You still have concerns about parallel test runs and you have to balance the granularity of your givens (see StackOverflow-When do BDD scenarios become too specific), and you have the data update ordering/data isolation problem, but this can work really well to allow you to work through your data stories and grow the data throughout your tests. On the other hand, should one test fail and leave the data in a bad state you can end up with lots of failures, but at least you simply need to look at the one that fails first. This kind of testing will also be not play very nicely for developers on their workstation as they can’t just run a single test, particularly with tools such as NCrunch, which can just run tests whose code has changed.
  4. Mock the database This is how I choose to do things now. The trick is that if you are personally following a reasonably strict TDD process where you only test the method you are working on, then you actually end up with some tiers that test the database interaction, e.g. [Test]DALLayerTests.ShouldReadARowAndCreatePOCO(), but most others that used mocked data to test what actually happens e.g. [Test]BusinessObjectPersonTests.ShouldGetBirthdayCongratulations().
  5. Use clean up code - Never tried it, it sounds dodgy :-)
于 2013-06-12T12:34:34.510 回答