I'm migrating a site from Plone 4.0.1 to Plone 4.2.5 as follows:

  • Create new instance in Plone 4.2.5 on new server
  • Copy buildout, my sources, Data.fs and blobstorage from old server to new instance
  • Update buildout.cfg, run bootstrap.py and bin/buildout
  • Run Plone migration tool

This worked well except there are a handful of pages that redirect to the login page viewed by anonymous users. These pages are all viewable by anonymous users on the old site.

I've looked at the Sharing settings for the affected pages and they look the same as other pages that work correctly. They're all set to inherit permissions and other sibling pages work OK.

I've turned on verbose-security in my buildout. I get the following traceback in the error log when an anonymous user tries to view one of these pages:

Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 115, in publish
  Module ZPublisher.BaseRequest, line 616, in traverse
  Module ZPublisher.HTTPResponse, line 756, in unauthorized
Unauthorized: You are not authorized to access this resource.
No Authorization header found.

How I can either get these pages to migrate properly or fix their after the migration?


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