std::vector<double> thickness(61);
std::vector<double> hThickness(61);
std::vector<double> samplesAfterMueller(61);
std::vector<double> thickness; thickness.resize(61);
std::vector<double> hThickness; hThickness.resize(61);
std::vector<double> samplesAfterMueller; samplesAfterMueller.resize(61);
这现在有效。为什么?我认为std::vector<double> myVector(size);
int PMNFL::CalcMatchesFixedRadius(float* input, DataPair mData, int w, float radius, float& error, float& veneOffset, bool leftEye)
double cosinus = cos(2*mData.angle);
double sinus = sin(2*mData.angle);
// Uncommend to fix heap corruption
/*std::vector<double> thickness; thickness.resize(61);
std::vector<double> hThickness; hThickness.resize(61);
std::vector<double> samplesAfterMueller; samplesAfterMueller.resize(61);*/
// Uncomment to cause heap corruption
std::vector<double> thickness(61);
std::vector<double> hThickness(61);
std::vector<double> samplesAfterMueller(61);
float bestHit = 50000.0f;
float last = 60000.0f;
int cVal = 2;
int da = (fabs(mData.deltaAngle))>10?10:(int)(fabs(mData.deltaAngle)+0.5f);
for(int i = 0; i < 61; ++i)
samplesAfterMueller.at(i) = 0.0;
double radum = radius * 10.0;
double value = pow(radum,2) - 100.0 * pow(double(30-i), 2); // Pythagoras
if(value < 0)
hThickness.at(i) = 0.0;
hThickness.at(i) = sqrt(value) + radum;
double amplitude = pow((radius * 10.0), 2) * (2 + PI / 2) / (40 * w);
double frequency = (2*PI / (40*w));
for(int i = 0; i < 61; ++i)
if(i > 30 - 2*w && i < 30 + 2*w)
thickness.at(i) = mData.nflThickness + amplitude + amplitude * (-cos(frequency * (2*w - i) * 10));
thickness.at(i) = mData.nflThickness;
int posR = ((int)(mData.distRad + 2.5f) / 5) * 5;
if(posR < 0)
posR = 0;
if(posR > 245)
posR = 245;
int baseOffset = da * 1269 * 61;
if(posR > 0)
baseOffset += (posR / 5 - 1) * 11 * 1269 * 61;
const double min_R = 2.0; //the minimum radius
const double step_R = 0.5;//step size of radius;
int iR = (int)floor((radius-min_R)/step_R); //=16th block.
int line = baseOffset + iR*(31+16);
for(int k = 0; k < 16; ++k)
int index = line + k*61;
for(int i = 0; i < 61; ++i)
double retardance = 0.62 * thickness.at(i);
double retardancePhase = 2*PI*retardance/532.0;
double M11 = pow(cosinus,2) + pow(sinus,2) * cos(retardancePhase);
double Ic = fSamples.at(index+i) * (1-M11)/2;
samplesAfterMueller.at(i) += Ic;
float* adapted = new float[4*w+1];
for(int i = 0; i < 4*w+1; ++i)
adapted[i] = input[4*w-i];
std::vector<double> simData(61);
for(int c = 0; c < 30; ++c)
for(int i = 0; i < 61; ++i)
simData.at(i) = samplesAfterMueller.at(i) + fSamples.at(line+16*61+c*61+i)/2;
last = GetSADFloatRel(adapted, &simData.at(30-2*w), 4*w+1, 4*w+1, 0);
if(bestHit > last)
bestHit = last;
cVal = c * 2;
last = GetSADFloatRel(input, &simData.at(30-2*w), w * 4 + 1, w * 4 + 1, 0);
if(bestHit > last)
bestHit = last;
cVal = c * 2;
error = bestHit;
delete adapted;
return cVal;