我有我用 C 编写的 Python 扩展。目前,我需要在某个外部纯 Python 模块中声明的类型的扩展对象的函数中进行处理(比如说,它的名称是ext_module
. 我该如何实施?一些额外的代码:
static PyObject * extensionFunction( PyObject* self, PyObject *args ) {
const char *inputString = NULL;
PyObject *inputList = NULL;
if ( 0 == PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "sO", &inputString, &inputList ) ) {
return NULL;
if ( 0 != PyList_Check( inputList ) ) {
// here I need to check whether the list items are instances of ext_module.ExtClass
} else {
PyErr_SetString( PyExc_TypeError, "extensionFunction: expected list" );
return NULL;
// process arguments