I had uploaded an app on app store with version 1.1.0.
It was accepted and is now on sale.
Now I have made small fixes and need to submit the app again.
Will I be able to submit the app on store, if I keep the same version.
I had uploaded an app on app store with version 1.1.0.
It was accepted and is now on sale.
Now I have made small fixes and need to submit the app again.
Will I be able to submit the app on store, if I keep the same version.
Bundle 版本是重要的版本,如果您想在app-store
. 它也将显示在app-store
在上传到应用商店之前,需要更改应用的版本。首先,您需要创建一个具有新版本的新应用程序,例如 1.1.1 并且您必须在版本字段的 info.plist 文件中更新相同的版本,或者您可以在摘要部分 1.1.1 中更改它
构建版本 - 这是供开发人员跟踪构建
应用程序版本 - 这是用于应用程序版本检查 - 用户使用它可以收到有关可供下载的应用程序新版本的通知。
理想情况下,我认为没有任何理由在不更改应用程序版本的情况下上传新版本。iTunes connect 的最新更新强制执行递增的 Build 版本。