

$kaarten = array
  array("Linksys Cisco EA2700","129,99"),
  array("Apple iPad 4","479,00"),
  array("Linksys Cisco RE1000","54,99")

foreach($kaarten as $subArray)
  echo $subArray[0]; // test
  echo $subArray[1]; // 12.99

但是现在数据是从 php 代码中的数据加载的,我想制作它以便您可以用输入字段填充它,例如:

您从 2 个输入字段开始(1. 名称 2. 价格)。完成填充后,将有 2 个按钮 1. 发送或 2. 再添加 1 个,如果您按添加 1 个,则会出现 2 个输入字段,以便您可以在数组中输入更多数据。




1 回答 1

<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="action" id="action" value="process" />
Name: <input type="text" name="itemname" id="itemname" /><br />
Value: <input type="text" name="itemvalue" id="itemvalue" /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Add Item" />
$kaarten = array();
  array("Linksys Cisco EA2700","129,99"),
  array("Apple iPad 4","479,00"),
  array("Linksys Cisco RE1000","54,99")

if ($_POST['action']=="process") {
//add item to array now we have to do this AFTER the array has been pre-populated and created
$itemname = $_POST['itemname'];
$itemvalue= $_POST['itemvalue'];
//add it to the actual array
$kaarten[] = array($itemname,$itemvalue);
//note there's a major issue here as you're not passing the array between form posts and so its being reset every post
//need to add in facility to pass items between form posts to allow for it to be an N length array otherwise it'll only ever container a max of 4 elements the 3 pre-defined ones and the one being added

foreach($kaarten as $subArray)
  echo $subArray[0]; // test
  echo $subArray[1]; // 12.99

这是您可以在自己的表单帖子之间查看分流数组的基础知识我建议将其存储在会话中,如果不存在则在最顶部创建,或者可能 json 对其进行编码并将其发布在隐藏字段中的页面之间

于 2013-06-11T12:29:14.627 回答