我有一些用于嵌入式 IronPython 脚本的简单 C# 类型:

//simple type
public class Foo
  public int a;
  public int b;

var engine = IronPython.Hosting.Python.CreateEngine();
dynamic scope = engine.CreateScope();
scope.foo = new Foo{ a = 1, b = 2 };

engine.Execute( "print( foo.a )", scope );


scope.AddMemberFunction( scope.foo, "Fun",
  new Func<Foo,int>( f => return f.a + f.b ) );


print( foo.Fun() )

我认为这正是使用'Foo' 对象没有属性 'Fun'Operations可以完成的事情,但这引发了一个异常

engine.Operations.SetMember( scope.foo, "Fun",
  new Func<Foo, int>( f => f.a + f.b ) );

接下来我尝试了 Python 的方式(比如 Foo 位于 IronPythonApp 的命名空间中,并且它的程序集被添加到 engine.Runtime 中):

import IronPythonApp

def Fun( self ):
  return self.a + self.b

IronPythonApp.Foo.Fun = Fun


有没有办法修改 IronPython 内部生成的 Python 类定义?


我探索了 Jeff Hardy 的回答中的一些选项。这里有两种方法都可以变得非常可扩展(这里只显示简单的方法)


var foo = new Foo { a = 1, b = 2 };
dynamic exp = new ExpandoObject();
exp.Fun = new Func<int>( () => foo.a + foo.b );
exp.a = foo.a; //automating these is not a big deal
exp.b = foo.b; //

//now just add exp to the scope and done.

毕竟使用 SetMember

scope.origFoo = new Foo { a = 1, b = 2 };

  //the only variable thing in this string is 'origFoo'
  //so it's no big deal scaling this
engine.Execute( @"
  class GenericWrapper( object ) :
    def __init__( self, foo ):
    self.foo = foo

  def __getattr__( self, name ) :
    return getattr( self.foo, name )

  foo = GenericWrapper( origFoo )", scope );

   //ha, now scope contains something that we can mess with after all
engine.Operations.SetMember( scope.foo, "Fun",
  new Func<int>( () => scope.foo.a + scope.foo.b ) );

engine.Execute( "print( foo.Fun() )", scope );

1 回答 1


简短回答:不,您不能修改 .NET 类。默认情况下,它们没有添加成员所需的动态挂钩。

你最好的办法是包装类并添加你想要的成员;Python 使这很容易:

class FooWrapper(object):
  def __init__(self, foo):
    self.foo = foo

  def __getattr__(self, name):
    return getattr(self.foo, name)

  def mymethod(self):


如果您需要在 C# 端执行此操作,则可以通过子类化DynamicObject和重载Try*Member函数来实现相同的目的。

于 2013-06-11T14:57:59.797 回答