"<RGB:255,0,0>this text is colored RED.<RGB:0,255,0> While this text is colored GREEN";
ie 255,0,0 中的值并将其放在其他变量上,然后从to中删除char
s 。'<'
//this function is called after the loop that checks for the existence of '<'
void RGB_ExtractAndDelete(std::string& RGBformat, int index, RGB& rgb)
int i = index + 5; //we are now next to character ':'
std::string value;
int toNumber;
while (RGBformat[i] != ',')
value += RGBformat[i++];
std::stringstream(value) >> toNumber;
rgb.R = toNumber;
value = "";
while (RGBformat[i] != ',')
value += RGBformat[i++];
std::stringstream(value) >> toNumber;
value = "";
rgb.G = toNumber;
while (RGBformat[i] != '>')
value += RGBformat[i++];
std::stringstream(value) >> toNumber;
value = "";
rgb.B = toNumber;
//I got the right result here which is
//start: <, end: >
printf("start: %c, end: %c\n", RGBformat[index], RGBformat[i]);
//but fail in this one
//this one should erase from '<' until it finds '>'
RGBformat.erase(index, i);