我在运行时创建按钮,我想为每个值 true 和 false 添加一个图像,所以如果我有 onOff 按钮,true 将是绿色图片,false 红色。并希望这也适用于其他属性。

我的问题是 1. 如何加载图片以最适合此目的?2. 如何以正确的方式创建按钮?3. 我对 Enum 按钮使用了相同的功能,如果它看起来很奇怪。4.我肯定做错了很多事情,请指教。

foreach(p in properties){
if(p is bool){createBoolButton(p);}
//so on

string path;
string path2;
private Control createBoolButton(IProperty p) {
  countControls2 = 1;
  locationY = 10;
  int gbHeight = 2;
  radioButtonY = 10;
  IType pType = p.Type;
  var myP = new MyProperty(p, this);
  if (myP.Value != null) {
  Panel gb = new Panel();
  gb.Location = new Point(locationY, nextLocationX);
  nextLocationX += rbWidth + 10;
  gb.Name = "groupBox" + p.Id;
  gb.Text = p.Id;
  gb.Tag = p;
  bool[] x = { true, false };
  foreach (var t in x) {
    RadioButton rb = new RadioButton();
    rb.Appearance = Appearance.Button;
    rb.Width = rbWidth;
    rb.Height = rbHeight;
    rb.Name = t.ToString();
    rb.Text = t.ToString();
    rb.Tag = t;
    rb.Location = new Point(radioButtonY, radioButtonX);
    if (myP.Value != null && myP.Value.ToString().SafeEquals(rb.Text)) {
      rb.Checked = true;
    radioButtonY += rbHeight;
    rb.CheckedChanged += rb_CheckedChanged;
  gb.Width = rbHeight * gbHeight + 20;
  gb.Height = rbWidth + 10;
  return gb;
  private void getimagesPath(EnumValue[] TypesArray) {

  foreach (var enumType in TypesArray) {
    string path = @"C:\Folder\" + enumType.Name + ".png";
    string path2 = @"C:\Folder\" + enumType.Name + "_checked.png";
    FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path);
    FileInfo fi2 = new FileInfo(path2);
    if (!imagePaths.ContainsKey(enumType.Name) && !imagePaths.ContainsKey(enumType.Name + "_checked")) {
      if (fi.Exists && fi2.Exists) {
        imagePaths.Add(enumType.Name, path);
        imagePaths.Add(enumType.Name + "_checked", path2);
    else {
      if (!imagePaths.ContainsKey(enumType.Name)) {
        imagePaths.Add(enumType.Name, DEFAULT_IMAGE_PATH);

2 回答 2

  1. 我认为在这种情况下你不需要图片。只需更改按钮的背景颜色。

  2. 创建按钮的示例代码:

    Dim pnl as new Panel
    Dim btn as new Button
    btn.Name = "btn1"
    btn.Location = new Point(..., ...)

抱歉,我不懂 C#。

于 2013-06-11T06:36:04.823 回答

您应该将您的checked image和保存unchecked imageResources您的项目中。只需查看Solution Explorer,您将看到在您的项目节点Resources下的节点下有一个节点。Properties双击该节点,您应该知道如何向该节点添加图像Resources。向其中添加图像后,您可以轻松访问这些图像,如下面的代码所示。我想您的选中图像添加到ResourcesnameCheckedImage并且您未选中的图像添加到Resourcesname UncheckedImage

//Here is your RadioButton CheckedChanged event handler to change to image accordingly.
private void rb_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e){
   RadioButton button = sender as RadioButton;
   button.Image = button.Checked ? Properties.Resources.CheckedImage : Properties.Resources.UncheckedImage;


于 2013-06-11T08:08:17.377 回答