
我正在使用一个非常简单的 jQuery 块,它绑定到窗口滚动功能。我相信我拥有完成这项工作所需的所有变量,但似乎没有。我的数学似乎缺乏。

由于声誉为零而无法附上图片,我深表歉意!我拥有的变量是浏览器窗口(x)、具有滚动背景图像的 div 的高度(y)、背景图像高度(z)以及 div 顶部到顶部的滚动位置浏览器窗口 (o)。

div 的背景位置需要相对于 div 在窗口中的位置移动,以便从浏览器窗口从上到下(反之亦然)滚动的 div 中看到整个图像。


x+y gives me the whole range of movement the div will require to cover 
from it first being visible to it finally leaving the screen.

z-y gives me the range of movement the background image will require to 
cover for the whole image to scroll through the div as the div scrolls
through the browser window.

(z-y)/(x+y) gives me the number of pixels the background image has to 
move for every 1 pixel the browser window will scroll.

As an example,
x = 200
y = 50
z = 150
o starts at -50 and ends at 200

x+y = 250 (full div movement)
z-y = 100 (bg image movement)
(z-y)/(x+y) = 0.4 bg movement per pixel scrolled





这是我的最终代码,感谢 Vincent 和 Rob 的帮助。这应该适用于任何大小区域使用 data-type="background" 所需的任何视差滚动。速度将由浏览器高度和背景图像大小决定。再次感谢各位。

        $(window).bind('scroll', function() {
            $window = $(window);
            var $bgobj = $(this);
            var windowHeight = 0;
                windowHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
            var img = new Image;
                img.src = $(this).css('background-image').replace(/url\(|\)$/ig, "");
            var bgImgHeight = parseInt(img.height);
            var divHeight = parseInt($(this).css('height'));
            var scrollPos = $(this).position().top - $window.scrollTop();
                var bgMovement = bgImgHeight - divHeight;
                var scrollMovement = windowHeight + divHeight;
                var intPos = scrollPos + divHeight;
                var yPos = ((bgMovement) / (scrollMovement)) * intPos;
                var coords = '50% '+ (-yPos) + 'px';
                $bgobj.css({ backgroundPosition: coords });

1 回答 1


使用 imgWindow 包含图像的 div,类似的东西应该没问题:

// get the maximum window scroll   
var deseapearPos =  $(window).height() - $('#imgWindow').offset().top;
var imgWindowHeight=('#imgWindow').height();
var imageHeight = 500;

$(window).scroll(function() {
    var currWinPos = $(window).scrollTop();
    if (currWinPos < deseapearPos ) {  
         // if imageWindow still on sight
         var newPos = /* your computation here */
 // ( smthg like newPos = ( imageHeight - imgWindowHeight ) * (currWinPos/ deseapearPos ) );

(imgWindow css 样式有溢出:滚动)

于 2013-06-10T23:16:11.300 回答