I'm trying to preview bootstrap v3, and I've followed the instructions in the README.md, but the two css files that get exported are empty. The steps I took were:

  1. Download & unzip the lastest 3.0.0-wip
  2. cd /Workspace/bookstrap-3.0.0-wip/
  3. npm install
  4. make
  5. make bootstrap

The javascript files export just fine. The fonts are junk (but the "source" files are also junk, so I'm not too concerned about that).

P.S. I opened a question here rather than an issue on github because I think I might be doing something wrong.


2 回答 2


bootstraps 源代码中存在语法错误,recess 会默默忽略。commit ced641b 已修复它(并且我能够编译)。Lessc 报告这些错误。遇到此类问题时,我建议使用 lessc 进行故障排除:

cd bootstrap_parent_dir/
npm install lessc
lessc less/bootstrap.less
于 2013-07-18T00:46:53.053 回答


sudo npm install recess connect uglify-js jshint -g
于 2013-06-17T17:55:10.010 回答