I'm struggling with the modification of an expression tree. I've simplified the example to make it easier to display here. Let's start with two classes:

    public class Filter
        public string FilterableProperty1 { get; set; }
        public string FilterableProperty2 { get; set; }

    public class Entity
        public string FilterableProperty1 { get; set; }
        public string FilterableProperty2 { get; set; }
        public string NonFilterableProperty { get; set; }

All properties in the Filter class also exist in the Entity class. Now I would like to use the Filter class to return the desired entities with a method like this:

    public IEnumerable<Entity> GetEntities(Expression<Func<Filter, bool>> filter)
        Expression<Func<Entity, bool>> convertedFilter = Expression.Lambda<Func<Entity, bool>>(
            Expression.Parameter(typeof(Entity), filter.Parameters[0].Name));

        using (MyEntities entities = new MyEntities())
            return entities.Entities.Where(convertedFilter);

So basically I just change the type of the expression parameter. Now when I call the function like this:

    public IEnumerable<Entity> GetFilteredEntities()
        return GetEntities(x => x.FilterableProperty1 == "Test");

I get an exception saying that the parameter x was not found in the specified query expression. Obviously by replacing the ParameterExpression I am breaking something. How can I create a new expression with the correct type that takes over (or rebuilds) the body of the original expression ?


1 回答 1


经过更多搜索后,我在这里找到了答案:如何更改表达式树中的类型?. 当我提交我的问题时,它没有出现在建议中。

由于我并不真正需要 Filter 类,因此我创建了一个接口,其中仅包含我希望能够过滤的属性 (IEntity),并修改了 Entity 类来实现它。现在,我可以通过以下方式获得所需的结果:

// Example use: return entities.Entities.Where(ExpressionTransformer<IEntity,Entity>.Transform(filter));
internal static class ExpressionTransformer<TFrom, TTo> where TTo : TFrom
    public class Visitor : ExpressionVisitor
        private ParameterExpression _parameter;

        public Visitor(ParameterExpression parameter)
            _parameter = parameter;

        protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node)
            return _parameter;

    public static Expression<Func<TTo, bool>> Tranform(Expression<Func<TFrom, bool>> expression)
        ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TTo));
        Expression body = new Visitor(parameter).Visit(expression.Body);
        return Expression.Lambda<Func<TTo, bool>>(body, parameter);


于 2013-06-10T20:02:55.503 回答