我正在用 SQL 编写这个查询:
select MAX(AVG(salary) ) from employees group by department_id;
我正在用 SQL 编写这个查询:
select MAX(AVG(salary) ) from employees group by department_id;
If you have something like this
EmployeeId DepartmentId Salary
1 1 10
2 1 30
3 2 30
4 2 40
5 2 20
6 3 40
7 3 50
after grouping
DepartmentId AVG(Salary)
1 (10+30)/2 = 20
2 (30+40+20)/3 = 30
3 (40+50)/2= 45
So the query below will return 45 as Maximum average salary for departmentId 3
FROM ( SELECT AVG(salary)as avg FROM employees group by department_id)x;
Most likely, dependent on your RDBMS, this will need to bedone with a sub-query
select max(AveragesByDept.avgSalary)
from (
select avgSalary=avg(salary)
from employees
group by department_id
) AveragesByDept
select AVG(salary)
from employees
group by department_id
order by avg(salary) desc
limit 1
limit 1
可能是top 1
(SQL Server) 或rownum = 1
It's dependent on RDBMS support, but if it is supported you'll get the largest of the departmental averages for the salary.
The group by is applied to the inner aggregate, and the outer aggregate is ungrouped.