我正在使用 Perl 来捕获某些指定文件夹中包含某些单词的文件的名称。这些文件名中的关键字是“offers”或“cleared”以及“regup”或“regdn”。换句话说,“offer”或“cleared”之一和“regup”或“regdn”之一必须出现在文件名中才能确定匹配。这两个词可以按任何顺序排列,并且在它们的前面和后面都会出现字符/单词。示例匹配文件名是:
# Get the folder names
my @folders = grep /^\d{2}-/, readdir DIR;
foreach my $folder ( @folders ) {
# glob the contents of the folder (to get the file names)
my @contents = <$folder/*>;
# For each filename in the list, if it matches, print it
foreach my $item ( @contents ) {
if ($item =~ /^$folder(?=.*(offers|cleared))(?=.*(regup|regdn)).*csv$/i){
print "$item\n";
foreach my $folder ( @folders ) {
# glob the contents of the folder (to get the file names)
my @contents = <$folder/*>;
# Seems to determine that there are four matches in each folder
# but then prints the first matching filename four times
my $single = join("\n", @contents);
for ($single =~ /^$folder(?=.*(offers|cleared))(?=.*(regup|regdn)).*csv$/im) {
print "$&\n";#"Matched: |$`<$&>$'|\n\n";
我尝试过使用正则表达式的其他格式,使用其他选项(/img、/ig 等),并将正则表达式的输出发送到数组,但没有任何工作正常。我对 Perl 不是很好,所以我很肯定我错过了一些让整个过程更有效率的重要机会。谢谢!