Trying to set a datetime field in a SQL table to NULL if the textbox is empty, I can't seem to get this to work.
string EndDate = "";
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(EndDateTxtBox.Text.Trim()))
EndDate = null;
EndDate = EndDateTxtBox.Text;
var sql = String.Format(@"UPDATE Test SET StartDate='{0}',
EndDate='{1}' WHERE ID = '{2}'",
StartDateTxtBox.Text, EndDate, id);
When I do this and put in a break point I get this for "var sql':
"UPDATE Test SET StartDate='5/23/2013', EndDate=" WHERE ID = '19'"
I tried removing the ' from the sql string but that didn't work either. Any suggestions?
Edit: I understand the importance of preventing against SQL injection but this a page on my internal web server for my use only and not projected to the public. It's to help me keep track of personal things.