Here's an error am getting in Phpfox when i try to use the attachment feature

TypeError: $Core.shareInlineBox is not a function

i was able to retrieve this error from the Firefox web console but i don't seem to have any solution to it.

Here's the attachment link's code

<a href="#" onclick="return $Core.shareInlineBox(this, 'js_form_mail', true, 'attachment.add', 500, '&amp;category_id=mail');" class="js_hover_title"><img src="" alt="" class="v_middle"><span class="js_hover_info">Attach a File</span></a>

Please help me out.

Thanks in advance


1 回答 1


请检查是否share.js添加了位于附件模块的静态 jscprit 文件夹中。如果没有,请将其包含在标题中。

于 2013-08-29T04:13:36.260 回答